Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year one and all

I would like to wish all my readers, both the accidental and the deliberate ones, a very happy new year and all the best for 2008.I am working at the moment, as I would not be on the Internet if I were not, I would probably be dribbling by now.My zeroes for 2007 go to Patricia Hewitt, Liam Donaldson and Martin Marshall.Anyways happy new year.

Basement Nukes and Top-Down Demolition

Various people have suggested that the basement of the WTC was blown with high explosives (even nuked) prior to, and/or concomitant with, the top-down demolition that was performed to obliterate the towers.

I have always been somewhat unsure of this idea for the simple reason that it wasn't clear to me how exactly basement bombs/nukes fit in with the top-down demolition-- plus there was the fact that during the demolitions, part of the inner cores for each tower remained standing after the initial demolition phase.

However, this post from 911blogger provides more evidence for explosions at the base of the tower concomitant with demolition.

Thinking about this some more, I have an idea for how basement bombs would have been used.

Here we see the remnants of tower one-- and clearly there is a section of the core remaining in the center of the blasted out debris:

(click to enlarge; you can see the people better to give scale)

The key here is that IN FACT, only PART of the core is remaining-- what looks like only the very center of the core-- perhaps a dozen columns at most.

The core was made of 47 absolutely MASSIVE columns-- just think that the core columns that would make up the core at the base of the tower carried much of the weight of those huge towers above. Clearly, most of these massive columns have been blown away from their original location. Note, it's not like there is debris is covering these columns-- the columns have either been knocked/blown away or they have been blown to pieces. Given that the very center core columns survived the "onslaught" (see the picture), it is not clear why the just as strong outer core columns wouldn't survive-- unless they were literally blown away at the base.

What seems plausible-- even likely-- is that several basement nukes took out the core columns at the sides or corners of the core section. A partial dismemberment of the core could conceivably facilitate a top-down collapse by taking away some of the supports between the floors and the core. This would give explosive devices on the upper floors an easier time in peeling the outer walls from the core remnant. Which is really what happened-- the outer walls peeled away from the tower from top to bottom, in an explosive sequence-- leaving an inner core remnant that then must have been blown from below from the lower floors to leave the small column remnants seen in the picture above.

But the key here is that basement bombs-- almost certainly nukes-- would be used to take out PART OF THE CORE specifically to facilitate the top-down collapse.

BBC spinning for HMG

This story headlined this morning's news on the BBC. The crux of it comes down to some guidelines on cancer referral by the government's rationing agency NICE that can be seen here and here.Hardly the straightforward story that the beeb portrays. The NICE guidelines are hardly free of confusion themselves and as the BMA say, the capacity is not there to deal with all these referrals anyway.Really

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sudah curhat malam ini?

Romans10:13, "for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.""

Roma10:13, "Sebab, barangsiapa yang berseru kepada nama Tuhan, akan diselamatkan. "

Dah curhat sama Tuhan Yesus blum malam hari ini? =)
Beliau mau mendengarkan loh... ^_^

Ferdy D.Savio

Thursday, December 27, 2007

1800-1849: Thirty Five Invasions And A Genocide.

1800: UNITED STATES. In the “Revolution of 1800” Slave-owner and ethnic cleanser Thomas Jefferson captures the White House solely as a result of the “three-fifths” clause of the Constitution which gives slave-owners political power far out of proportion to their number. Successfully marketed to generations of Americans and others around the world as a wonderfully articulate advocate of

R.I.P : Tears Just Burst Out My Wig!

Two-time prime Pakistan Minister Benazir Bhutto was murdered after giving a speech to supporters today.As soon as I heard the breaking news tears just started flowing(Damn) If you don't know about Prime Minister Bhutto (please do the Knowledge) If you don't think this will directly affect the USA (we gave current president musharraf 5Billion dollars) and my dear fashionistas....if your denims are being made in Pakistan..You can "Kiss the baby" on the (for now) Its horrible to see a lost of good to one another always ya'll

New Bape!

Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?

Mengeluhlah, Marahlah, dan Menangislah

Saat gw SaTe barusan, ada kata-kata yang bener-bener kepikiran terus sama gw. Gw malah jadi gak konsen baca ayat-ayat lanjutannya, yg kepikiran ayat-ayat ini terus. terngiang-ngiang di kepala.

Saat gw baca sepintas ayat ini, gw tiba-tiba tertarik dan dikepala gw langsung berputar cepat banget banyak hal yang mungkin berhubungan dengan ayat ini.
Dan gw tau, gw pasti gak akan bisa tidur kalo gw kagak keluarin.

Exodus 22:27, "When he cries out to me, I will hear, for i am compassionate."

Keluaran 22:27, "Maka apabila ia berseru-seru kepada-Ku, Aku akan mendengarkannya, sebab Aku ini pengasih."

Ada beberapa hal yang menarik perhatian gw,

1. cries out

2. hear

3. compassionate

Terkadang beberapa orang atau buku mengajarkan kita untuk berpikir positif dalam setiap situasi. Jangan mengeluh, jangan marah, jangan menangis (manja), karena kita harus sabar dan berbesar hati menghadapi setiap cobaan dan tantangan (versi positif dari masalah/hambatan) yang ada.

Tapi gw bilang; ngeluhlah, marahlah, dan nangislah.Kita berhak untuk mengeluh, marah, dan menangis, karena kita sebagai manusia adalah mahkluk yang penuh emosi (dan gw bersyukur atas anugerah itu, Tuhan).

Boleh lah kita ngeluh, marah, sedih, ato bete sama Tuhan, "Kenapa Tuhan? koq dia begini? koq aku harus begini? kenapa ini terjadi sama aku? sama keluargaku?"

keluarin aja perasaan kita ke Tuhan, karena it will feels better, dan kita tau bahwa Tuhan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat kita, Indah pada waktunya.

Keluarkan emosi kita yang ada, dan jangan di pendam. Rasakan emosi itu dan nikmati.Tapi JANGAN LAMA-LAMA. setelah kita nikmati perasaan itu, BANGKIT dan LANJUTKAN HIDUP SEPENUHNYA. jangan bertaon-taon kita mengeluh tentang hal yang sama, atau marah terhadap hal yang sama, atau menangisi hal yang sama.

PS: Berserulah kepada Tuhan setiap perasaan kita, cukup perasaan hari ini saja dulu, dan biarkan Tuhan menDengar karena Dia Maha Pengasih. dan lanjutkan hidup sepenuhnya.


Ferdy D.Savio

The antidemocratic decimation begins

It's not been the most clever, subtle or brilliant plan of the Department of Health's; however their resident incompetents have shown yet again that they care not for quality of service or for what people really want. Large surveys costing millions have shown time and time again that people just want good local services, and that the majority of people are very happy with their GP services.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to one and all

The year is finishing as it started, with more incompetence from the Department of Health, as yet more personal data has been lost by NHS Trusts around the country. The Department of Health cannot have it both ways as usual, they must shoulder some of the responsibility for the mess that they have created beneath them.The new MMC website has been launched, for some reason they think that putting

Friday, December 21, 2007

The noctor - a growing pain

The following is a story of a GP who wrote on to express his disgust at a certain person's comments:"My next patient is waiting for his ECG, so between DNUK activity I'm flicking through his notes, and I've just found a letter from a "Colorectal Nurse Practitioner" to his GP;"May I take this opportunity to remind you that the 2-week wait referral scheme is only for patients whom

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bureaucratic nightmare

There has been plenty of talk in the media of late on the subject of the EU's attempt for a free market in health. Obviously there would be some advantages to such a scheme, for example it may well lead to the dismantling of the ineffective internal market; however how on earth could such a scheme be practical?"Under the draft plans - which are now expected to be announced in the NewYear - a

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

1783-1799: Lie Number Three, The Miracle of Democracy

1783-1865: UNITED STATES. The U.S. Constitution is approved. Amongst other things, this fabulous instrument of freedom carries a provision preventing Congress from banning the importation of slaves. But, most significantly, the authors of the Constitution were very careful to ensure that it validated slavery by means of a so-called "positive" law embedded in Article 4, Section 2: "No person held

Monday, December 17, 2007


My right-hand man carter sent this website (in disgust) to me.I totally dig Amy Winehouse she's an extremely talented yet pain woman.but I just think....No I know this classless scumbag who made this website will get his in the's not funny,nor entertaining to bet a F*ckn I-Pod on a sick persons death.....FOUL!

1763-1783: Lie Number Two, The American Revolution

1763: THE THIRTEEN COLONIES. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 stops the seizure of Indian lands by speculators from the Thirteen Colonies and establishes a frontier, essentially the Appalachian Mountains, to the west of which vast tracts of land are to be preserved in perpetuity where Indian nations will be able to carry on their traditional way of life. Additionally, the proclamation reserves to

Saturday, December 15, 2007

1620: Lie Number One, The Puritans.

1620: PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS. As everyone knows, the first European colonists in what would one day become the United States arrived on the Mayflower, having left England to find religious freedom in a brave new land….…the glorious opening scene of that Hollywood blockbuster, “America!”. Many Americans proudly trace their ancestry back to these lovers of freedom, these brave pioneers, these

Friday, December 14, 2007

Health Committee update

Some rather revealing information came out this week, I shall attempt to summarise it for you. Crockard and Heard pointed out that they were the only two with a medical background on the MMC specialist board, and when they had left there were no people with medical backgrounds left in the MMC specialist training committee. This is an amazing admission and a sad indictment on the way that medical

DoH sees anyone who disagrees as just 'noise'

The first interviews by the Health Committee involved hearing some rather pathetic comments from the deputy CMO Martin Marshall; as he had to explain the reasons for railroading through MTAS 2007 against a massive majority of the medical profession:Martin Marshall "On balance the benefits of continuing far outweighed the benefits of stopping the process"( the benefits for the DoH that is)When he

Thursday, December 13, 2007

BMA drop an absolute clanger

One would have thought that following the BMA's negligent role in the MTAS affair of 2007, that they may have learnt something from the episode; unfortunately for junior doctors is Scotland it appears not. It turns out that the BMA's Scottish Junior Doctors Committee is backing run through training, despite it being against the wishes of the majority of its members.In medicine for example, posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An obvious lack of skills for health

The Department of Health has been contacted as regards the scary 'Skills for Health' ladder, another seemingly idiotic reform that must have been spouted by someone who knows very little about providing a good standard of health care. This is the response received:"Thank you for your email of 6 November requesting, under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, information about the Skills for

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Best Damn Salesman Ever

The Best Damn Salesman Ever
1. Saya memiliki sikap yang baik, dan selalu memilih untuk bertindak lebih daripada yang seharusnya saya lakukan.

2. Saya melihat diri saya sebagai sosok yang sukses.

3. Saya tidak berprasangka; Saya tidak berpura-pura tahu; Saya tidak memandang rendah diri sendiri, calon pelanggan, dan klien saya.

4. Saya berorientasi pada penjualan. Saya memiliki tujuan-tujuan tertulis dan rencana-rencana strategis untuk hidup, karier, dan bisnis saya.

5. Saya mampu memotivasi diri.

6. Saya selalu berada dalam kendali dan tak pernah lepas darinya.

7. Saya selalu berlatih dan mempersiapkan diri.

8. Saya melihat dan berbicara pada lebih banyak orang daripada yang lain dan mendapati lebih banyak orang yang berkata tidak pada saya.

9. Saya mengambil tindakan.

10. Saya gigih.

11. Saya menjual lebih dari sekadar barang atau jasa, karena saya memahami siapa para konsumen saya dan apa yang sesungguhnya mereka inginkan.

12. Saya mampu menciptakan dan menjual nilai secara konsisten, daripada cuma terpaku untuk menjual harga.

13. Saya memahami bahwa kecepatan dan kemudahan adalah dua manfaat terbesar yang dapat diberikan pada konsumen.

14. Saya bertindak sebagai ahli, penasihat, dan narasumber bagi para klien, dan selalu siap untuk menyediakan pengetahuan, keahlian, informasi, dan pendidikan untuk para klien tersebut.

15. Saya mutlak dibutuhkan oleh para klien.

16. Saya sangat mencintai apa yang saya kerjakan.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

AKA x Deltas

I got an invite to attend the AKA x Deltas party the other night )the ratio was 5-1 Women to Men.It was insane,good people,good food,good music (thanx to DJ Duece) Thanx to dez for the invite.Good look Midge

D.Carter(Rebirth Graphics & I above)

MTAS 2008 - salvage of the wreck

The details of the application of system for junior doctor jobs for next year have been released and can be read in full on the Remedy Uk website here. It is undoubtedly true that some lessons have been learnt, however it does appear that some significant problems remain. The message for all applicants from the MMC team can be read here on the mmc website.Applicants should do a few things which

Friday, December 7, 2007

JULES KIM at it again!

If theres any doubt of my Homegirl Jules genius Peep


EvaMendes nude for Peta

Nuff respect to Eva Mendes for taking a stand By Any And All Means against Furs.The picture is cool ,but the message is BIG!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Yet more misinformation

Some journalists have been covering the exceedingly worrying trend of rising maternal mortality rather well, this excellent piece in the Independent draws quite a few strands together rather eloquently: "The report reveals that the mortality rate among mothers giving birth is up to almost 14 per 100,000 people – an increase of more than 50 per cent since 1985-87." This is a very scary statistic

Time to resign

The following letter beckoning Sir Liam Donaldson's resignation has been signed and delivered to their MPs by ten programme directors:"Dear Member of Parliament,We are writing to you as we believe that the time has come for the current Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, to resign or be sacked from his position. His opinion no longer carries any weight in the medical profession given how

Monday, December 3, 2007

BMA shoots itself in the foot

The BMA's rather strange decision not to allow the publication of an advert for Remedy Uk appears to have backfired somewhat. It does call into question the editorial 'independence' of the BMJ, if the BMA has the power to ban such items. The Remedy advert can be read in full here. As Remedy right point out, the BMA is making some rather unsubstantiated claims at the moment:Dr Ram Moorthy, Chair