Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Seven Noahide Laws


Life is a journey where every step counts. It’s not all or nothing. It’s knowing who you are and how to live to your true potential in order to have a genuine appreciation for life. Being active and concerned with the pursuit of truth and other human values.

Noahide is the oldest tradition known to mankind, a tradition and beliefs which have been all but forgotten.

A unique set of laws valid for all mankind, known as The Seven Divine Codes it encourages acts of kindness among ALL people - seven basic ethical "laws" , teaching us how to behave in order to realize the true potential of our lives, and bring the world to its most perfect state.

The essence of a person is to help others.

These Seven Laws were created in order to form the foundation of a well-functioning unified society, and were first given to Adam and Eve and their progeny in the Garden of Eden.

The Noahide Commandments are those that God gave to Adam and his descendants and, after the flood, to Noah and his descendants. The Noahidic or Noachide, covenant was established by God during the time of Noah and is named the "Seven Laws of Noah," since all humans are descended from Noah. All of humanity, diverse as it is, descends from the three sons of this one man, whose great scope made the foundation for them all.When studied properly, these laws are found to be a PURE MONOTHEISITIC FAITH -- free of any form of idolatry and outline a wealth of spiritual content and are the eternal value to uphold an ethnical, moral, valuable, meaningful, truthful, and just society!

The Seven (Noahide) Laws are the foundation for a Godly human, earthly society for universal humanity. Men and women are equal in their responsibility to observe the Seven Universal Laws. These Seven Laws are bound for all mankind and are the pillars of human civilization. The laws outlined below are a very brief and basic explanation of each of the Seven Noahide Laws.

The Noahide Laws teach that the world is built through acts of Goodness and Kindness. These laws continue to be highly relevant to life in today's society. They are pillars of human civilization and are the eternal value to uphold an ethnical, moral, valuable, meaningful, truthful, and just society!

The Rainbow is the Sign of the Covenant that God has made with all of humankind.

God gave the rainbow seven distinct colors-to remind men and women of the Seven Commandments that lay behind the covenant, the laws that will bring all of humanity to merit their ultimate redemption.

Although G-d created the world giving people FREE CHOICE, He nevertheless has given us the tools and the guidance we need to encourage us to choose the good: a Divine moral code, one that predates all human codes, and the only one that has timeless and universal application for a good, moral civilization. This Divine code, known as the Seven Laws of Noah, establishes an OBJECTIVE DEFINITION OF "GOOD" - one that applies to all people.

The Seven Universal Laws are general commandments, each containing many parts and details.

These basic and general Seven Universal Commandments are; ~

1) The prohibition of worship of false Gods/idolatry (The essence of life is to recognize and believe in the Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, accepting His laws with awe and love. There is only ONE God, God is ONE. Do not deny God. Acknowledge that there is ONE Almighty a timeless creator. God stands alone, He is infinite...The prohibition includes the forbiddance in believing in a false prophet, false messiah and a false religion. )
2) The prohibition of blasphemy (Respect the Creator. As frustrated and angry as you may be, do not vent it by cursing your Maker)
 3) The prohibition of murder (Respect human life. Every human being is an entire world. To save a life is to save that entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy an entire world. To help others live is a corollary of this principle. The act of murder includes the intentional killing of a human being, suicide, aborting a fetus except to save the mother’s life. The act of killing for self defense at any time or during times of war is not included in the prohibition against murder)
4) The prohibition of immorality and promiscuity (Do not engage in adulterous, incestuous, bestial or homosexual relations. Respect the institution of marriage. Marriage is a most Divine act. The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the oneness of G-d and His creation. Disloyalty in marriage is an assault on that oneness.Wholesome families are a basis of healthy communities and societies. Immorality leads to inner decay. (Gen. 2:24))
5) The prohibition of theft ( The prohibition is inclusive of kidnap. Respect the rights and property of others. Be honest in all your business dealings. Since our sustenance comes from God, we should seek to earn it honestly, with dignity and not through deceit, we express our trust in Him as the Provider of Life. Theft is forbidden)
6) The establishment of a judicial system (The establishment of courts of law to institute justice, truth, righteousness and morality over society is an essential institution. As well as to establish a police force and army as needed. A fair and effective legal system creates a society worthy of God’s blessing. It brings God’s ideals for our personal life into a formal order for society, and completes the other six laws)
7) The prohibition of cruelty to animals (Respect God’s creatures. Do not cause unnecessary suffering or pain to any creature, this includes not eating flesh removed from a living animal)

Posted January 13, 2011  11:16pm

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Windows 7 | Download Windows Seven

windows 7, windows sevenOperating system Windows 7 or often referred to as windows seven is familiar to computer users. Windows does have a lot of newly released, including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Seven. However, many computer users who prefer Windows 7 is compared to windows vista.

It is graphically the best are the windows vista but because the graphics are sharp, for windows vista need a specification that supports windows vista computer itself, for example at least 1G of ram vista needs to be able to optimally use windows vista. And also requires a processor with such great speed to use your processor intel core 2 duo to mameksimalkan graphical windows vista.

Well, that's why computer users prefer to use the operating system windows 7 or windows seven. Where according to looks, Windows 7 is also not less than the windows vista and the user also feel satisfied because it can use the operating system Windows 7 by using a computer with a standard speed, for example by using a core duo processor has a maximum use of these windows seven.

To download windows 7 on the internet are advised there is to pay a license windows and after you make payment then you will get the serial number windows 7 which is full version.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lukisan Dinding 3D (mural) dari Berbagai Belahan Dunia

Mural berasal dari kata ‘murus’, kata dari Bahasa Latin yang memiliki arti dinding. Dalam pengertian kontemporer, mural adalah lukisan berukuran besar yang dibuat pada dinding (interior ataupun eksterior), langit-langit, atau bidang datar lainnya. Akar muasal mural dimulai jauh sebelum peradaban modern, bahkan diduga sejak 30.000 tahun sebelum Masehi. Sejumlah gambar prasejarah pada dinding gua di Altamira, Spanyol, dan Lascaux, Prancis, yang melukiskan aksi-aksi berburu, meramu, dan aktivitas relijius, kerapkali disebut sebagai bentuk mural generasi pertama.

Mural mulai berkembang menjadi mural modern di tahun 1920-an di Meksiko dengan pelopornya antara lain Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, dan David Alfaro.

Tahun 1970-1990 Mural mulai memperlihatkan eksistensinya adalah Jean-Michel Basquiat , graffitinya di sudut-sudut kota dan stasiun di New York, dengan tulisan S.A.M.O. sebagai identitas. Hal ini kemudian menginspirasi banyak seniman lain untuk berkarya di ruang publik. Salah satu seniman yang terpengaruh adalah Keith Haring yang kemudian banyak mengerjakan dan dianggap sebagai seniman mural selama kariernya (Sentoso, 2003).

Mural di Indonesia sudah ada sejak zaman perang kemerdekan. Pada saat itu, para pejuang mengekspresikan keinginannya melalui graffiti. Walaupun dengan skill dan peralatan yang masih sederhana, konsep tulisan di dinding menjadi paling aman untuk mengekspresikan pendapat secara diam-diam pada saat itu (Gusman, 2005).
Beberapa tahun lalu stadion Gajayana Malang dipenuhi oleh karya seni mural. Namun kini telah lenyap oleh renovasi. Padahal ruang-ruang alternative seperti ini cukup penting sebagai wadah ekspresi anak-anak muda. Konsekuensinya, semakin banyak muncul mural-mural di berbagai ruang publik di Malang. Sebagian orang mungkin menganggap negatif, namun tidak bisa kita pungkiri saat ini kita berada di tengah budaya yang kompleks dan melahirkan warna-warna baru sebagai ekspresi seni.


























































