Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Head in sand doesn't make everything all right

Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) was allegedly the reform of medical training for the better, as many of us have since learnt the government lied about the real motives that lay behind this Trojan Horse of festering garbage. When everything when so spectacularly tits up back in 2007, the government had to pretend to act because things had got so bad that the media had started to take notice. In

First Shower

Mid morning the sky draped itself with dark clouds
The heavens opened their casements
and the dam burst.

Thisty nature eagerly drank
from the abundance
Washing itself free from dust, dryness and drab.
This is the song of the rain

It was a thirst quenching day.
The first real shower of the monsoon

Monday, June 29, 2009

Health, Beauty, Power and Persecution

"Love of beauty is taste," Ralph Waldo Emerson said, and this reminds us of how important beauty is in life. But despite the beauty that's around us constantly, I'm not sure how much attention we pay to it except in those special moments when we're in front of a gorgeous sunset or watching the innocence of children playing.

Well, Analytical Trilogy is connecting us up again with the importance of beauty for health and society. But it's really ticked off the powerful.

Today on Healing Through Consciousness
, Health and Beauty, Power and Persecution.

Dr. Keppe talks about how he has based his psycho-social science on music, and you can understand that if you perceive the universal structure that lies behind music. Mozart said that music should never be painful to the ear - even when portraying great horror. It should always flatter and charm the ear he asserted, and thereby always remain music.

This implies a design to the music, or at least the adhesion to some rules and laws that come before the musician. And this is how I see Dr. Keppe's science - as revealing to us the rules and laws of life that come before the human being. And with which we must harmonize if we wish to have any chance of leading a useful and meaningful life.

Being in resonance with that universal harmony - that divine music, if you will - should be natural to us. But we've pulled ourselves away from it so much we've lost contact tiwh that truth of ourselves and that's why we feel so lost and empty, and why our societies are so far away from what we all know they should be.

This program is a way for us to discuss this by addressing your specific problems or challenges in your life. We open our phone lines every Monday at 2:00 pm ET through Skype. You can drop me an email at joneshealing@gmail.com and I'll help you set that up. Write me, and please let others know about this progam. We're at www.healingthroughconsciousness.com, and we have a Facebook page, too. Let your friends and contacts know about Dr. Keppe's work.

You're going to be hearing much more about him and Analytical Trilogy over the next months and years. His grasp on the human psyche and the social reality is far ahead of anything else you'll hear out there. Do stay in touch. It's always good to hear from you.

Today, Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco and I embark on a wide-ranging discussion that covers everything from health and beauty, to power and persecution.

Click here to listen to this episode:

1001 More Reason I love Japan

MinatoCity is Gangsta.....Dont f-with Japan!

No TeddyBears here! Pick your own lobster for dinner....haha


Jay-Z :Deat Of Autotone (BET AWARDS)

One of the only highlites from lastnites awards.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Its Comin '

It is raining in some parts of western, central and east coast of India.
Elijah 's cloud as small as a man 's hand is growing larger.

Enough of the hot pestilential
glare of the sun

In the evening the sky became grey
and the air ached for the thunderstorm
which did not come.

A cool refreshing breeze tickled us ,
the precursor of precipitation.
I took these pictures of the trees waving up
at the heavens.
Trying to catch the attention of the
vapors above
Let me show you this short video of an early morning dust storm

taken in the first week of June.
Abner is playing outdoors.

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.Psalm 42:1-3 (Bible)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Swat Politics

The amazing Mr Obama. This is very funny

My dear friends Crown Of Beauty

and Annette gifted me this award.

Its your lovely blogs which inspire me.

Thank you for your love and kindness.

Your blogs have enriched my walk with God


Sorry to hear about Michael Jackson 's passing away. He was a great artist.

The Many Preventative Health Benefits of Vitamin-D

Scientific evidence shows vitamin D may go beyond its traditionally known role in maintaining bone integrity, according to new research presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo® earlier this month. It may play a role in preventing autoimmune dis-eases or over-acid tissue conditions such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, some types of cancerous conditions such as breast, ovarian, colorectal and prostate.
Advancing technologies to add vitamin D to natural foods create offerings that provide excellent sources of both vitamin D and calcium which can help consumers achieve dietary adequacy of these largely under-consumed nutrients.

Recent headlines tout vitamin D as the new wonder supplement, with claims ranging from its ability to reduce cancer risk to its link to cognitive function in older men. While studies show connections exist, experts debate the amount of vitamin D necessary for optimal health, however.

“Low vitamin D status is linked to a number of different conditions,” said James C. Fleet, Ph.D. professor in the department of foods and nutrition at Purdue University. “These include certain cancers, muscle weakness and types I and II diabetes—possibly even schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.”

Muscle weakness in cases of low levels of vitamin D may be explained by muscle's low levels of vitamin D receptors. "Studies with mice show that without vitamin D receptors, cells can't absorb the vitamin," said Dr. Fleet. "Research also shows a correlation between high vitamin D status and improved lower body muscle function in men and women over 60 years old."

Studies also show a decrease in colon cancer with an increase in vitamin D status, and it seems protective against other acidic cancerous risks as well. "One theory is that vitamin D may indirectly inhibit pro-cancer pathways," said Fleet. "The question is finding the protective level, which remains under some debate."

Although it remains controversial, 30 nanograms/milliliter (ng/mL) of vitamin D is associated with fewer fractures and falls, according to Karen Hansen, assistant professor of medicine within the rheumatology section at the University of Wisconsin. "Vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis by triggering decreased calcium absorption, secondary hyperparathyroidism, increased bone resorption and decreased bone mineral density." Study variables and inconsistencies make further studies necessary. Currently, 700 to 800 International Units (IU) of vitamin D a day seems most effective.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living center, "recommendations for an "adequate intake" of vitamin D should be at 50,000 IU's for maintanance and 100,000 IU's in any acute or chronic condition, including diabetes, MS, heart dis-ease and cancerous conditions."

You can order a months supply of Dr. Young's Vitmain D3 supplement which delivers 50,000 IU's per capsule by calling 760-751-8321.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

ari ni ade mcm2 mood xD

report card xD


mood = tension : pagi ni kene bangon pukol 5.30 .
slalu pukol 6 , tapi sbb abah nk pg keje awal ,
trpakse klam kabot la

mood = tkjot : pukol 6.15 a.m aku kat dlm kete sowang2 .
aku dngr fly fm ,
tibe2 , ade sorang pmanggel ni
die ckp yg 'Michael Jackson' da mati
aku mcm x pcaye , tapi 2 la yg btol2 nye
dorang ckp die mati sbb saket jantong
kalo artis laen yg mati , x de la trase sngt
tapi die ni femes gile
tibe2 je da mati
sape yg x caye
pastu , spanjang ari ni , dorang pasang lagu michael jackson
je kat mane2 radio

mood = takot : ari ni 'ari trbuke'
jd mak aku kene dtng amek report card la
aku agak cuak la ...
mase tngh interview dngn pn.mardina & pn.pheng xD
mak aku bandin kn makah pekse kali ni ngan pekse lpas
mmng mrosot gile ... tapi x gagal la xD
aku rase msti mak mrh
tapi , naseb baek cekgu2 2 tlng aku
dorang ckp kat mak aku yg aku ni ok kat dlm klas
lpas mak aku dngr , slamat la aku xD

mood = epy : dlm pukol 11 pg 2 ,
aku lpak ngan sabrina kat dpan klas
agak lame la kitorang brborak
tapi mmng best laamai bdak2 tngkp gamba kitorang
aku da naek rimas xD
btw mase ni mmng best :D



Drink Alkaline Ionized Electron Rich Water

If someone were to ask me, what was the one thing I can do to have better health, the answer would be simple...Start drinking alkalized, ionized water--even if you're eating acidic foods.

The most important thing is to start putting in the electron-rich, alkaline fluids so you can neutralize acids from the foods you are eating and help to maintain that alkaline design of your body.

In a just a few hours, Thursday, June 25, 2009 from 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. PDT (10 P.M. Greenwich Mean Time), I will be hosting a second, on line, live event for the "Sound Mind, Sound Body" Intensive program series on: The New Biology®: The Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water

If you are serious about your health and reversing the effects of acid accumulation in the body--the root cause of all degenerative diseases and aging--then, this is the one topic you can't afford to miss. I urge you to attend this life-affirming seminar. Let me help you take your alkalinity and health to the next level.

Highlights include:

You are what you drink
A look at our collective health--and its cost
The process of over-acidification
What the body does to protect itself from over-acidityAlkaline vs. acidic water and its impact on your health
Examine the differences between healthy & unhealthy blood through a microscope
Free radicals as casual factors in disease and aging
Role of antioxidants
Chronic effects of acidic dehydration
Tap water: modern convenience but at what price?
And the exclusive, world premiere of the 'pHorever Miracle Ionizer' at pre-release priority access and preferred pricing!

Want to be there?

Follow steps for one of the following:

1. “I'm already a registered 'Sound Mind, Sound Body' Member."Login: http://www.nolimitshealthintensive.com/members/login.phpClick on "Click here to sign up for the live webinar" link.Click on "Click here to Register for this session now" and complete the webinar registration form for Dr. Young's water seminar.

2. “I'm not a 'Sound Mind, Sound Body' Member and I would like to hear Dr. Young speak.
First, register to become a free “Sound Mind, Sound Body” Member. To do that:
Click this link: https://m4group.infusionsoft.com/go/SMSBP/ph

Click the "Free to Join Here" button.

Complete your SIGN IN information. Click SUBMIT.

Once inside your Membership area, register for Dr. Young's presentation:

Click on "Click here to sign up for the live webinar" link.

Click on "Click here to Register for this session now" link and complete the webinar registration form for Dr. Young's water seminar.

If you are having any difficulties trying to register or join the live webinar, please email support@nolimitshealth.com directly.

To your health and life,

Dr. Robert O. Young, M.S, D.Sc., Ph.D

Founder of THE NEW BIOLOGY® and
Creator of the SCIENCE OF ALKALINE LIVING™ for Health

Praying For Rain

It is raining bad news all over India with the monsoon delayed by 3 weeks now. Some areas have received scanty rain.
People are performing all kinds of religious rituals to appease the rain gods.

Here is a newspaper report from a village in our district.
Allahabad, June 25 : Women ploughed fields and sang songs in a ritual to appease the rain gods in Allahabad.
Fervently praying for the timely arrival of the monsoon, people across the country are performing various rituals to appease the rain God.
"All of us together performed rituals with flowers and incense sticks. Together we ploughed the land on our
own, the way men do. We prayed to Lord Indra (God of Rain) so that he could bless us with rain for healthy crop yields and greenery," said Ramkali, a village woman.
In a country where nearly two-thirds of agriculture depends on the rains and two-thirds of the population is dependent on agriculture, the delay in the arrival of monsoon is a serious cause of concern for the people especially farmers.
According to the officials of the Meteorological department, monsoon is likely to arrive in the state by the first week of July.
I found more photographs on the webHindu priest conducing a pooja

This is a yagna to please the rain god.
Many state ministers and officials are going on pilgrimages
and visiting temples to placate the gods.

A wedding of frogs
to draw the attention of

Deity Indra

Women at the frog 's wedding
They even had donkey nuptials
and a doll 's espousal

Muslims raise their hands in prayer.
There is a severe shortage of water
and electricity

(A man selling watermelon in Klkata)Food prices have shot up.
Fruits are a luxury

A liitle girl travelling in a rickshaw
The electricity supply is very erratic

and due to low voltage there is frequent tripping.

(An old man sitting in front of a ice cream advertisment)
"There are fears of drought if the rains are patchy
Indian officials say that monsoon rains in the country are likely to be "below normal" triggering off fears about crop failure and high food prices.
Forecasters say that rainfall is likely to be lower than predicted in April, when they said it would be near normal.
The government says there is no need for panic, and that heavy rains in July are likely to avert a drought.
A heat wave is sweeping the country and rains are delayed in many parts. Rains usually last from June to September.
"It [the monsoon] is late," federal minister Prithviraj Chavan told reporters.
North-west India appeared to be worst affected by the slow rains with only 81% rains forecast.
Monsoon rains are critical to India's farm prospects, which account for a sixth of economic output.
Up to 70% of Indians are dependent on farm incomes, and about 60% of India's farms depend on rains. Irrigation networks are dismissed by critics as inadequate.
The summer rains are crucial to crops such as rice, soybean, sugarcane and cotton.
The Indian media has been full of reports about the patchy rains so far.

A heat wave is scorching the country
"Praying for rain, bracing for worst" headlined the Hindustan Times on its front page on Wednesday.
The newspaper said that in at least eight states, monsoon rains so far had been 60 to 90% below normal.
"There is concern but no worry as yet. There is still time," Farm Secretary T Nanda Kumar told the newspaper.
One analyst said delay in the rains in some parts of India could hit economic growth.
"Delay in monsoon will play the spoilsport and may hit GDP by at least 1 to 1.5 percentage points," stockbroker VK Sharma, told the Reuters news agency.
Economists agree that the delay will cause further stress in a country where food prices are already high.
"The delay is not a good signal. Food prices are already high and any delay could push food prices higher. Food price inflation could emerge as a concern," said DK Joshi, principal economist at credit ratings agency Crisil.
Politicians in many states are holding special prayers for the rains - the farm minister in central Chhattisgarh state held a prayer for the state to get rains soon"
(BBC News)

This morning during my Quiet Time I read

the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 18 (Bible)

43" Go and look towards the sea, he told his servant. And he went up and looked. There is nothing there, he said. Seven times Elijah said, Go back.
44 The seventh time the servant reported, A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea. So Elijah said, Go and tell Ahab, 'Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.'
45 Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel."
I imagine Elijah 's servant running off to gaze unto the sky
and coming back shaking his head.
The seventh time dragged himself out of his master 's house
disgruntled and weary , cynically squinting at the
stark naked sky.
What does he see -
a cloud as small as a man 's hand.
He was not excited, but Elijah was.
He sent word to the King to run for cover!
James 5 (New Testament) tells us
17" Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. "
Our God is the God of Elijah
and as we Christians pray for God 's mercy to rain
down on us He will send it.
Please pray with us.
My computer has become very slow
and it trips because of the faulty power supply.
I took me a whole evening to compose this post.
Sorry, my visits to your blogs are slow too.
This room is so hot and stuffy I can barely breathe here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ari yg agak mngejot kn wat aku xD

mcm tiap2 pagi , aku kat skola
elok2 je tngh best blaja sivik ( ye la aku ni xD) ,
tibe2 je , nadia 3 mranti panggel aku ngan madie
aku da plek mule2 , tpiker gak ape hal plak ni
rupe2 nye , aku tpileh untok wat amali dngn pentafsir dri skola laen
mule2 agak cuak la .... ye lah , x prepare ape2 pon
rase nk mnanges pon ade ;p
tapi x leh wat ape2 la
pastu tros je amek buku hafazan
ustazah suwoh hafal 8 ayat hafazan
agak mrane aku nk afal sume tu
tapi naseb baek boley
lpas je madie kene bace , gileran aku plak
mule2 kene bace surah al-fatihah
yg tu boley la xD
n then die suwoh bace ( tilawah ) ayat dri surah al-baqarah ( 1-10 )
tu pon boley la jgak
skang , bru la kene afal 8 ayat 2
agak trabor aku bace , tapi rase2 nye x trok sngt la xD
lpas abes je , mmng lege gile :D

pukol 12 tngh ari plak ,
kitorang ade bengkel science dri pusat tuisyen kancil
agak bosan la jgak
pastu dorang suwoh isi 1 borang kecik
dorang ckp , 2 borang cabutan btuwah
aku pon isi la dngn rase mls nye xD
lpas sume da abes isi , dorang mule la cri sape yg btuah
mule2 die sbot name lau chin ye ( kwn klas aku )
pastu , tibe2 je
penceramah 2 dpt plak borang aku
n then die sbot name aku
aku punye la rase tkjot gile
pastu aku pg dpn la
die tanye soalan kat aku ' sape name bini datok najib '( menteri malaysia skan ni )
aku da tgamam , sbb x tau jwpn nye
aku pnah tngk muke bini najib kat tv ... aku x bape suke ngan die 2 ;p
sbb 2 mls nk tau name die ... hehehe
tapi , naseb baek dasyu 3mranti tlng aku
die ckp 'rosmah rosmah'
aku pon jwb la 'rosmah'
naseb baek btol
pastu , dpt la RM10
alhamdullilah xD
bsyukor gile aku

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do I Need Protein In My Diet?

My blood research has suggested "too much protein" from animal sources can cause bone and muscle loss. It is not the quantity or the quality of the protein, but the source of the protein - and whether or not if it has been heated or pasteurized. To fully understand the language used in the nature of matter and fermentation, is of course to understand Antione BeChamp's microzymian theory and how the Pasteurian theorists have confused the understanding protein and its need in the diet. First, in a Bechamp context, the fully living, indestructible microzyma, in its unaltered state, is part of its natural surrounding whether it is a mineral or flesh state with all the measurable frequency and voltage of that substance.

When protein is consumed, the microzyma changes with its new environment to become a building block of another form. If it is not heated, the nitrogenous, protein packed microzymas will still have great energy to be released from the particular pieces of food into liquid globes with still organized electrical potential within the long chain molecular structure of the microzymas. In this state, the transformed substance enters the bloodstream to be easily transformed into blood and later into body cells then tissues and organs. In the morbid Pasteurian context, the microzyma is only recognized in terms of microbes and enzymes. This is where the trouble begins.

Louis Pasteur coined the term microbe and far from understood the pleomorphism of matter as Antoine Bechamp did. Consequently, Pasteur created the entire morbid microbe paradigm of heated, pasteurized dairy products and nearly all other packaged acidic forming foods and drinks.

The pasteurization (heating) disorganizes the microzyma (the origin of organized matter) from its previous state, further releasing the frequency and voltage from the microzyma and releasing its enzymatic or charged power. (Pasteur lead the public to believe that enzymes were alive and that microbes could be suppressed or killed by heat. This is a scientific myth since the mircozymaa that makes up all organized matter cannot be destroyed or killed but can only be changed in their form and function.)

The resulting pasteurized "food" or "drink" is a tragedy. Why? Because pasteurized food and drink contains little power to self digest whether it has nitrogenous (dietary animal protein) material in it or not, further resulting in undigested food bits in the bloodstream and terrible fermenting and putrefying undigested matter in the small and large intestine setting the stage for sickness and dis-ease.

This is why I recommend the elimination of all animal protein! All protein ingestion should come from plants sources and should be a minimum of 5 grams and a maximum of 20 grams per day(based upon a man or woman weighing 70k or 154 lbs.). Increased amount of plant proteins can be used for those involved in strenous exercise, sport, or body building. My favorite plant source protein, that I take everday, is from non-GMO, organic, sprouted green hemp seed. It is a wonderful source of protein and omega-3 oils and can help you build healthy blood and then body cells.

Remember, you build strong bones and muscles with blood and you build blood with green foods and green drinks. This is why I recommend drinking at least 3 to 4 liters of green drinks a day and up to 12 servings of green fruit and vegetables a day. You can include in your 12 servings of green fruit and vegetables sprouted green seeds from organic hemp. This is why I recommend the Young pHourever non-gmo, organic, spouted green hemp seed. This latest and greatest nutritional product called HempH-ProFi and HempH Seed is available NOW. You can order both of these products by going to:


Man's Spiritual Journey

I remember studying some of the great tragedies of Shakespeare back along the way. How Hamlet was undone by his indecisiveness, how Othello destroyed a beautiful love because of his monumental jealousy. Destroying what is good and beautiful is part of our human neurosis. We see this clearly in some public figures, of course, but it's not much of a stretch to recognize these tendencies in my own self and many others either.

Tackling these tendencies, and getting a real grip on them, is what our program is all about.

Today on Healing Through Consciousness, Man's Spiritual Journey.

Well, this is a journey Dr. Norberto Keppe's Analytical Trilogy is uniquely equipped to make. We've been exploring that science in a series of teleclasses recently that have been very well received ... teleclasses where my colleagues, Gilbert Gambucci and Susan Berkley and I have been exploring some of the key precepts of Dr. Keppe's work, and looking at how they apply to the day-to-day lives of our participants.

So we have looked at how thoese external events and behaviors that irritate us so are big mirrors of what we do in our lives as well. Hell is not the other people, it turns out, despite Sartre's contention that it was. Our problems are much more within, but we have many mechanisms of escape from that consciousness.

Our program is about helping all of us to have more contact with our rich and beautiful inner life, that has become very pathological and distorted. Because of two things: our individual philosophies of life first of all, and on the other hand, our distorted social structure which we have participated in constructing - either directly through struggling for power, prestige and money and not caring who gets in our way, or by giving our consent to it unspokenly. And both of these areas are in much need of clarification and consciousness.

Well, all this becomes clearer when you embark on your own experience with Analytical Trilogy. Reading Dr. Keppe's books are an immediate way for you to enter this great man's work. Our bookstore is at www.trilogia.ws. And that portal leads you to many great resources.

Gilbert Gambucci has put together a great video blog on the roots of the economic crisis, which, frankly, is essential viewing for all of us. That site is at www.promiseland.info, and you'll find some great clips from Dr. Keppe's TV show.

And embarking on Trilogical analysis, which is available by phone, is another important way to get in touch with the power of Keppe's science. We're trying here in this show to give you a taste of this on our show, and we invite you to participate. We take calls every Monday at 2:00 pm Eastern time by Skype. Healingthroughconsciousness is our Skype name, and you can set up anything you want with me beforehand at our email: joneshealing@gmail.com

Mr. R. is our guest today on Healing Through Consciousness, with Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco.

Click here to listen to this episode.

Monday, June 22, 2009

You Are Loved

Today is my mother 's 78th birthday.
Happy Birthday Mummy

At the Taj Mahal
with Papa and Anju
(those sun glasses retro style and in vogue now)
Mummy with her eldest grandchild

Amrita, Mahima,Mummy, Papa and Ashish
For breakfast I made scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes
garnished with fresh cilantro (coriander)
I will make idlis (steamed rice cakes) for lunch
which we have with spiced dal (lentil soup)
For dinner I have planned
chicken sandwiches with mashed potatoes
and ice cream to end up with.
Mummy can 't have spicy or fried food
so I am making things she can eat.
All your sons (and daughters)will be taught by the Lord
and great will be your children 's peace.
Isa 54: 13 (NIV)
The Lord will... strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well watered garden
like a spring whose waters never fail
Isa 58: 11 (NIV)

Update on Namrita

I heard from Namrita in the afternoon.After the MRI and examination the neurologist diagnosed her as having hemicrania headaches. It is a rare but treatable disorder . Praise God it is not something worse than that.

I found some information about hemicrania on the web.

Hemicrania continua is considered a primary headache disorder, meaning that it's not caused by another condition. Fortunately, it is a rare but treatable disorder. According to the International Headache Society's (IHS) International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition, hemicrania continua is a "persistent strictly unilateral headache responsive to indometh The IHS diagnostic criteria for hemicrania continua is: Headache for more than 3 months fulfilling criteria B–D All of the following characteristics: unilateral pain without side-shift daily and continuous, without pain-free periods moderate intensity, but with exacerbations of severe pain At least one of the following autonomic features occurs during exacerbations and ipsilateral to the side of pain: conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea ptosis and/or miosis Complete response to therapeutic doses of indomethacin Not attributed to another disorder Hemicrania continua usually presents a mild to moderate daily headache. However, along with the daily, one-sided headache, it also causes exacerbations of more severe headache, which occurs on the same side as the daily headache and is characteristic of migraine pain. These more severe episodes can last from 45 minutes to days. During these exacerbations, symptoms of other disorders may be present: Migraine symptoms: throbbing pain nausea and/or vomiting phonophobia ( not able to stand noise) photophobia Cluster headache symptoms: conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea ptosis and/or miosis The factor that allows hemicrania continua and its exacerbations to be differentiated from migraine attacks and cluster headaches is that hemicrania continua is completely responsive to indomethacin. Triptans and other abortive medications do not affect hemicrania continua. The cause of hemicrania continua is unknown. As with migraine disease and many other headache disorders, there is no definitive diagnostic test for hemicrania continua. Tests such as an MRI may be performed to rule out other causes for the headache. When a patient has the symptoms of hemicrania continua, it's considered "diagnostic" if they respond completely to indomethacin.
L-R Namrita, Anjali, Mama and Mahima (1996 summer)

Please continue to pray for Namrita. In His sovereignty God can heal her completely. We all have our "thorn in the flesh" something which God uses to keep us close to Himself.
If anyone reading this has more information about this disorder and its pain management please pass on your valuable information to me.

Emergency Fund

Dear friends,

Yups, sesuai judulnya ini adalah sharing mengenai dana darurat...

Apakah dana darurat itu? Dana darurat adalah sejumlah uang yang dimiliki, disimpan, untuk dipergunakan pada saat darurat.

Kapan sih darurat itu? Tentunya bukan darurat untuk beli blackberry yach, -btw javelin skarang dah 4,5jt loh- atau beli N97 yang baru launching 20juni 2009 kemarin...

Darurat itu saat kondisi kebutuhan yang mendesak dan mendadak, diluar perencanaan keuangan kita (next time baru share pentingnya perencanaan keuangan yach).

Misalnya, rumah sakit, mendadak penghasilan terhenti, dsb...
Jadi seandainya terjadi sesuatu dan penghasilan terhenti, kita masih dapat bertahan hidup selama beberapa bulan untuk memperbaiki keadaan dengan menggunakan dana darurat ini...

Kalo pemasukan sudah ada kembali, jangan lupa di isi lagi yach...

Nah jadi butuh berapa besar dana darurat ini?
tergantung kondisi masing-masing... Besarnya bisa disesuaikan dari pengeluaran bulanan atau pemasukan bulanan,
flexible saja mana yang lebih besar, yang jelas minimum dari pengeluaran bulanan...

untuk single 3-6 bulan, (6 bulan makan supermie? hehe)
untuk yang sudah menikah 6-12 bulan,
untuk yang sudah memiliki anak min 12 bulan... (yah, jaga-jaga... sayang anak)
sekali lagi, be flexible ^_^

Lalu mau diparkir dimana dana ini?
syarat-syaratnya adalah: mudah ditarik kapan saja, dimana saja, & aman.

Kesulitan dari menerapkan dana darurat ini adalah: GAK BISA LIAT UANG NGANGGUR!
so, pengendalian diri sangat penting disini ^_^ gunakan saat darurat saja.

be flexible & creative; financial planning should be fun...


Ferdy D.Savio

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Solstice - June 21

This is a captivating video from Salten, Norway displaying the magical Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. My Norwegian friends Felisol,Brit and Bestemor Aud will enjoy these splendid heavenly fireworks

June 21 is Summer Solstice when the sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer (23.5* N Lat.) which passes through Mexico, Sahara - Africa , India and S E Asia.

It means that summer has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. But for us living in the tropics its mid-summer. Our summer in North India begins in March.

Today the Arctic will have its longest day. Friends in Norway can have a midnight garden party.And the Antarctic will have its longest night ...poor penguins.

But I am categorically euphoric as the hot orb will be travelling to lands down under from now on.

I took this photo of an eclipse last August

Its thrilling to see how God had ordained the times and seasons. Each whisper of the universe is decreed by Him.

Psalm 19
For the choir director: A psalm of David. 1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. 2 Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. 3 They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard.[a] 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.
God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. 5 It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. 6 The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat.
7 The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. 9 Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. 10 They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. 11 They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey them.
12 How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. 13 Keep your servant from deliberate sins! Don’t let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19 New Living Translation Bible

Get Ready For A Healthier You!

"Water...is one of the most important buffers of dietary and metabolic acid."

When you do not have sufficient water, you cannot buffer or remove all the acidic waste through the four channels of elimination.

Last month, Dr. Robert O. Young introduced The New Biology®: The Importance of pH" to "Sound Mind, Sound Body" Members around the world. The Q & A following his presentation produced one of the most comprehensive responses to health and disease management ever. Collated, it generated over four (4) hours of recorded information essential for one's journey to optimal health.

Now, on Thursday,
June 25, 2009 from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. PDT (10 P.M. Greenwich Mean Time), Dr. Young will be hosting a second, on line, live event.

If you value your health, this is one topic you can't afford to miss.

Dr. Robert O. Young, M.S, D.Sc., Ph.D
Founder of THE NEW BIOLOGY® and

Creator of the SCIENCE OF ALKALINE LIVING™ for Health

The New Biology®: The Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water

Highlights of his talk will include:
  • the high cost of poor health
  • the process of over-acidification
  • what the body does to protect itself from over-acidity
  • quality of tap water and its impact on your health
  • differences between healthy & unhealthy blood as seen through a microscope
  • free radicals as casual factors in disease and aging
  • role of antioxidants
  • the chronic effects of acid dehydration
  • And the exclusive, world premiere of the 'Young pHorever Life Ionizer' at pre-release priority access and preferred pricing!
Want to be there?
Follow steps for one of the following:

1. “I'm already a registered 'Sound Mind, Sound Body' Member."

Then, all you have to do is login to the membership and complete the webinar registration form for Dr. Young's live webinar session:
2. “I'm not a 'Sound Mind, Sound Body' Member and I would like to hear Dr. Young speak.

First, register to become a free “Sound Mind, Sound Body” Member. To do that:
Once inside your Membership area, register for Dr. Young's presentation:
  • Click on "Click here to sign up for the live webinar" link.
  • Click on "Click here to Register for this session now" link and complete the webinar registration form for Dr. Young's water seminar.
Once you have registered for the live webinar, you will receive 2 email reminders. On the day of the live webinar, it is essential for you to arrive at least 15 minutes early as there will be a large attendance for this session.

If you are having any difficulties trying to register or join the live webinar, please email support@nolimitshealth.com directly.

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar and help you take your alkalinity and health to the next level.

To your health,

Dr. Robert O. Young

Inas Clovis Breast Cancer Testimonial

The following video link is an abridged version of Inas Clovis sharing her experience with the pH Miracle program. Inas was over-weight, depressed, and diagnosed with Breast Cancer before she dedicated herself to following Dr. Young's diet recommendations. She credits the pH Miracle healthy living and eating lifestyle with saving her life.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer Reversed In 3 Months

My name is Ingrit Vaher. I am 31 years old and I have experienced something amazingly beautiful. It completely changed my perception towards my life and my health.

In December 2008 I was diagnosed to have the Hodgkin's disease (lymph cancer), which had already developed to the second stage. My doctor recommended that I start a five month long chemotherapy treatment immediately and continue after that with radiation treatment. As per the doctor this was the only possible treatment for this aggressive disease.

Knowing about the disease shocked me, even though a part of me wasn't surprised at all. During my life I had already suffered from sugar addiction, gradually increasing weight, sleep and eating disorder and mood changes. Additioally, during my adulthood I suffered from strong

depression, which I wasn't able to beat even after several attempts. I hated myself for it and I didn't appreciate my life.

After the diagnosis I felt great compassion towards my body. I remembered stories about people recovering from "incurable" diseases. I knew that I wanted to try the same. I decided not to start chemotherapy, at least for now. I believe that the mind and the emotions can effect the body and it is this belief that gave me courage. I knew that I was responsible for my sickness and I hoped that I could also heal it myself.

Luckily I had already read Dr. Robert O. Young's book and learned about pH balance theory. Immediately after the diagnosis I went to a microscopy. When I saw the microscopic pictures of my blood cells I decided to start the 21-day-long purification treatment using Innerlight products, developed by Dr. Robert O. Young. During the first week I was worried and afraid that the tumors in my throat were growing too fast, which would mean that I wouldn't have time to see the effects of the treatment and I would have to go for chemotherapy or surgery anyway. During the second week the worst symptoms such as weakness, vomiting feeling etc. were over giving me more hope. During the third week I felt so much better that I knew I would heal by natural means without chemotherapy. Frankly, during the third week I felt better than ever in my adult life. The sugar addiction and the sleep disorder that had lasted for years were over. Despite the gloomy circumstances I felt very well-balanced, happy and grateful. At that point my friends started asking me the reason for my beautiful and healthy looks.

Three months after the diagnosis I asked for a whole-body scan. The doctors were surprised to see that the cancer was gone! Of all the tumors only two little dots remained. Of course I knew this because of how I felt, but still it made me tremendously happy to know that my recovery was so fast.

Throughout my life I've got to know different kinds of diets and natural products. The alkaline way of life and the Innerlight products are the only ones that helped me get rid of all my ailments including cancer. I'm grateful to Dr. Young for giving me new life, which I am happy leading in an alkaline way.

Shambolic and unclear: Kafka's NHS

It's not hard to find diagrams like the ones above, the Internet is littered with examples of just how overly complicated the NHS' management structure and bureaucracy has become. It shouldn't take several textbooks and a few years of intense study to understand the way in which a health care system works (or does not as the case may be), the fact that the NHS is so hard to understand implies

Rahul Gandhi - India 's Most Eligible Bachelor turns 39 today

Aang Saan Suu Kyi of Burma

Rahul is the son of Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi,
Buzz up!
Reports suggest that the celebration will be a private dinner, most likely with friends from his
Cambridge days and some old family friends. Rahul had apparently asked his partymen not to have huge celebrations and to visit Dalits and slums instead and distribute sweets. However, Congress workers gathered in large numbers at the party headquarters and state offices to wish their beloved lead all the best. Congress party has decided to celebrate Rahul Gandhi's birthday as 'Samrasta Divas' and hold the 'sahbhoj'. Rahul, who emerged as the key leader of Congress after the Lok Sabha polls 2009, will be joined by Sonia Gandhi in London. London is the favourite destination of PM in the making. Born on June 19, 1970, he is a Member of Parliament from Amethi constituency in Uttar Pradesh.
OneIndia New

Aang Sann Suu Kyi celebrates her 64th bithday

behind bars today

Campaigners across the globe are honoring the birthday Friday of Burma's detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The Burmese pro-democracy leader spent her 64th birthday at Rangoon's notorious Insein prison, where she is on trial and facing up to five years behind bars. Activists and politicians are marking Aung San Suu Kyi's 64th birthday with gatherings of support from Thailand to Europe and the United States.In addition, a coalition of 23 Burma rights groups has formed "64forsuu.org", a website where supporters can post messages urging her release from detention.Johnny Chatterton is with the Burma Campaign UK and Project Manager for 64forSuu.org. He says they have received over 9,000 messages of support, including from politicians and celebrities."I think the site is very important in showing that right across the world people have not forgotten her," Chatterton said. "And, that there's a huge political support for her and there's public support calling for her to be freed. So, I think it's a great help in showing the Burmese regime that they can't just get away with this and that the world won't forget her."Aung San Suu Kyi is on trial for violating the terms of her house arrest by allowing an uninvited American man to stay over without official permission.The trial has been widely condemned as a sham designed to keep her locked up through next year's controversial elections.Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party won Burma's last elections in 1990. But Burma's military rulers ignored the results and placed her under house arrest, where she has remained for most of the last 19 years.Burma's military rulers cite ongoing fighting with ethnic insurgent groups in the country to partly justify their continued grip on power.However, rights groups and exiled politicians say the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi, along with more than 2,000 other political prisoners, is the real barrier to peace.Zin Linn is a spokesman for the Burmese government in exile."Aung San Suu Kyi is key to the national reconciliation in Burma," Linn said. "Without her, Burma cannot have genuine national reconciliation. That's because all the ethnic leaders, ceasefire leaders, all the ethnic party leaders, all dissident leaders, all the leaders, they agree to give their mandate to Aung San Suu Kyi to sit down at the dialogue table with the military junta."Aung San Suu Kyi led Burma's non-violent resistance movement for democracy, and in 1991 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts.She is the daughter of Burma's revered founder, General Aung San, who was assassinated just months before the country gained independence.Paulo Pinheiro was the U.N. human rights envoy to Burma from 2000 to 2008 and on several occasions met Aung San Suu Kyi as well as Burmese officials. He says if it was not for her famous father the military government would probably have executed her by now."Because she has an enormous charisma and she is the only leader inside Burma of the opposition," Pinheiro said. "And, they don't want to risk having her in freedom. They don't want to deal with a strong opposition movement."Burmese authorities have already re-worked the constitution to ensure the military remains in power regardless of the 2010 elections.Pinheiro says it is almost certain the court will find Aung San Suu Kyi guilty, but would likely put her back under house arrest rather than prison.Supporters are concerned her health would quickly deteriorate in prison.But there is little doubt about the resilient spirit of Aung San Suu Kyi and the movement for democracy in Burma that she represents.
Remember to pray for the suffering Christians in Burma

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Law of Garbage Truck

Suatu hari saya naik sebuah taxi dan menuju ke Bandara. Kami melaju pada jalur yang benar ketika tiba-tiba sebuah mobil hitam melompat keluar dari tempat parkir tepat di depan kami. Supir taxi menginjak pedal rem dalam-dalam hingga ban mobil
berdecit dan berhenti hanya beberapa cm dari mobil tersebut.

Pengemudi mobil hitam tersebut mengeluarkan kepalanya & mulai menjerit ke arah kami. Supir taxi hanya tersenyum & melambai pada orang orang tersebut. Saya benar-benar heran dengan sikapnya yang bersahabat. Maka saya bertanya, "Mengapa anda melakukannya? Orang itu hampir merusak mobil anda dan dapat saja mengirim kita ke rumah sakit!" Saat itulah saya belajar dari supir taxi tersebut mengenai apa yang saya kemudian sebut "Hukum Truk Sampah".

Ia menjelaskan bahwa banyak orang seperti truk sampah... Mereka berjalan keliling membawa sampah, seperti frustrasi, kemarahan, kekecewaan. Seiring dengan semakin penuh kapasitasnya, semakin mereka membutuhkan tempat untuk membuangnya, & seringkali mereka membuangnya kepada anda. Jangan ambil hati, tersenyum saja, lambaikan tangan, berkati mereka, lalu lanjutkan hidup.

Jangan ambil sampah mereka untuk kembali membuangnya kepada orang lain yang anda temui, di tempat kerja, di rumah atau dalam perjalanan. Intinya, orang yang sukses adalah orang yang tidak membiarkan "truk sampah" mengambil alih hari-hari mereka dengan merusak suasana hati.

Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk bangun di pagi hari dengan penyesalan, maka:
Kasihilah orang yang memperlakukan anda dengan benar, berdoalah bagi yang tidak.
Hidup itu 10% mengenai apa yang kau buat dengannya dan 90% tentang bagaimana kamu menghadapinya.
Hidup bukan mengenai menunggu badai berlalu, tapi tentang bagaimana belajar menari dalam hujan.

Sumber: anonym
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Selamat menikmati hidup yang diberkati & bebas dari "sampah"


Ferdy D.Savio

RHeumatoid Arthritis - Going - Going - Gone!

Dear Friends:

Please read the following account of the reversal of Rheumatoid Arthritis using the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet -

Dr. Young, (cc Dr. Rick McKinney),
It's me, Megan McNealy Graves, and I wanted to thank you for a wonderful retreat at your ranch on June 4-7th. I wanted to give you an update on my progress!
As you know, I have suffered from diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthiritis for the past four years-- the first two years (from 5/5/05), Plaquenil wiped out all the symptoms, but for the past two years, I have lived with an incredible amount of pain--it first started in my knees, then hands, wrists, ankles and feet. This spring it started also in my shoulders, neck and jaw. My main Rheumatologist, Dr. Clare Targoff, has really encouraged me for the past two years to get on Methotrexate ASAP, and then she assumed, since I have a "moderate to severe" case, that I would then need yet the next level of pharmaceuticals (Enbrel, etc)
Before I came to the retreat at your ranch, I was at a real "low". I was tempted to just give in and take the toxic drugs.
But then I thought I would give your diet another chance. I read your book, The PH Miracle, last year, and had written Dr. McKinney at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine about how well I was feeling last summer. He was very encouraged. But, then came a very busy work load this fall, and I fell a bit away from your program--instead of the purely aklaline diet, I started to eat fruit again, glass of wine here and there. I wasn't doing the oil and salts and exercise and alkaline water either, which I know now is a huge part.
Since I was at your ranch, and since I have committed to your suggestions, my symptoms have really started to reverse.
Day 2, June 5th, the day you did my blood analysis. I was nowhere near as tired.
Day 3, June 6th, during the night, not so painful to turn over (in my shoulders), hands and feet not as painful and stiff in the morning, can completely close left hand into fist (first time in a year). This is the day, you remember that we RAN together 1.5 miles. I have not run in 3 years, as it has been too painful. You saw me-- I looked pretty good! :-) I didn't have any soreness in any joints after. Your recommendation to work out everyday, really sweat, is something that I took to heart and I have been exercising daily since.
Day 4, balls of feet don't have as much pain walking
Day 5, June 10, at daughter's class picnic, opened three plastic water bottles by myself (first time in two years)--oddly enough, I opened the caps and didn't notice any pain. Can do muscle stretch fully on left leg and 3/4 way on right (normally can't put my ankle at this angle)
Day 10, at dinner with clients, I was able to walk down stairs at restaurant foot over foot rather than two feet on each stair like usual. Did 25 minutes on elliptical machine at very good pace with no pain. In afternoon held tennis racket and with some pain, I was able to play "mini tennis". Not able to do full court.
Day 12, went running and had no foot pain or knee pain as long as I stayed on flat surface (no tilts)
Today is Day 13, and I am the same as yesterday. I keep looking for all signs of improvement. I am already starting to forget how horrible I was feeling two weeks ago.
I am so encouraged, and I want to thank you for your recommendations. Thank you for telling me what is really wrong with me. I will send Dr McKinney the 41 page report that you made for me, complete with the photos of my live blood analysis. I will have that in the mail to him tomorrow.
Lastly, my mom and dad, Margaret and Ken, had a wonderful time at the retreat also. Dad has lost 20 lbs as of yesterday, and Mom has lost 12 lbs. They said that they have so much more energy and are thinking so clearly.
All the best to you,
Megan McNealy Graves

Good News

The central government is going to block the anti-conversion Bills that have been introduced by various BJP governments but the response is not uniform.
Home Minister P Chidambaram has decided to take a firm stand on the controversial anti-religious conversion Bill blocking Presidential assent. But the response is different for various state governments
So, in Rajasthan where the Congress is in power the Centre has asked the Ashok Gehlot government whether it plans to drop the Bill passed by the earlier BJP government.
In Madhya Pradesh where a BJP government is still in place, the Centre has decided to withhold assent.
Centre stops anti-conversion laws:
Rajasthan: Left it to Congress government to drop Bill
Madhya Pradesh: Rejected BJP government's Bill
Broadly the Bills provisions banned conversion by force or fraud or inducement and made it punishable. But all this, the Centre says violate the freedom of religion as laid down in the constitution.
"When I was CM in those 10 years there was no case for forcible conversion," said Digvijay Singh, former Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh.
"This is unacceptable and goes against Supreme Court judgements," said Ravi Shankar Prasad, Leader, BJP.
The BJP-led states had proposed laws in response to the increase in conversions by Christian missionaries.
But ironically they weren't the only ones, the Congress had passed a similar law in Himachal Pradesh and Orissa too has one which was passed in 1967.
Indian Christians should rejoice at this move of the present newly elected government. This is an answer to prayer. The anti conversion bill curtails the basic fundamental rights of a person to change his/her religion and humiliates minorities. It was aimed to obstruct evangelistic work and harass Christian workers .
We will pray that this bill is shelved forever