Monday, December 20, 2010

Skanky Man-Hating Witch Delivers Speech; Ignorant Morons and other F*cktards Confused and Frightened; Normal People go about Their Daily Lives.

Hanna RosinHanna Rosin recently produced a video on "The End of Men". While the video has many a f*cktard frightened and confused, normal people are simply shrugging their shoulders and saying, "Hanna Rosin - who cares what she says - she is a skanky self-deluded man-hating c*nt."

Reporters at "The Atlantic" clearly take what Hanna Rosin says seriously - which is particularly disturbing considering the fact that all the people who run "The Atlantic" are in theory full-grown adults.

The Atlantic Cover
The Atlantic Cover

As you can see from the cover above, Hanna Rosin's video is portrayed as being very scary and frightful. However, when MEN-Factor reporters examined another cover:

The Atlantic CoverThe Atlantic Cover

They noticed that "The Atlantic" was trying to blame the housing crisis on Christianity. Yes, you heard that right - unlike many people who blame the housing crisis on Negros, Jews, Hispanics, or whatever group of people they tend to be prejudiced against, "The Atlantic" decided to try a different angle; and blame an entire religion. After all, it's not like the banks giving out exploding interest loans like candy had anything to do with it - nope it was all those nasty Christian's fault. MEN-Factor reporters did not have the time or patience to bother reading the above garbage, but they wondered if the proposed solution to those nasty filthy Christians was to throw them to the lions...

The cover above is an excellent indicator that "The Atlantic" is yet another western publication that is run by f*cktards and morons - just like "The Washington Post".

The Atlantic Cover
The Atlantic Cover

Hanna RosinHanna Rosin video was allegedly viewed by some guy. MEN-Factor reporters allegedly interviewed that guy about Hanna Rosin's video. This is what he allegedly said, "Hanna Rosin said something? Who cares. I'd pay attention to a talking pile of dog feces before I paid attention to Hanna Rosin. It's too bad that the morons and f*cktards at 'The Atlantic' take a woman like that seriously - the editors need to go home and tell their parents that brothers and sisters aren't supposed to make babies."

Despite all the hype, we at the MEN-Factor have a very simple message for Hanna Rosin:

Hanna Rosin
Hanna Rosin

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