Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Allen West's World

Allen West (Republican 22nd District FL) was sworn in today as another Israel representative in the U.S. Congress.

Cynthia McKinney he ain't.

West is a former Army Lieutenant Colonel who retired after being accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee but returned later to Iraq as a civilian adviser. 

West ran against jewish Democrat Ron Klien, described by the National Jewish Democratic Council as  “a Champion of the Pro-Israel Community,” in 2008 but lost. The backlash against Obama and the dems worked for West in 2010 and he won fairly easily.
Perhaps the first important thing to understand is that despite its substantial Jewish population, Florida’s 22nd Congressional District is a classic swing district with roughly equal Republican and Democratic voter registrations.
The next important thing to understand is that West is about as zionist, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian as one can get.  He's even being promoted to run for president in 2012.

Let's see ...
At  a Ft. Lauderdale Israel Conference in December,  Lt Col and US Congressman Elect Allan West met with Elchonon Helinger. Hellinger congratulated Congressman West on his recent win, thanking him for his unbending support for Eretz Yisrael. Elchonon discussed with Congressman West the Rebbe's position on Eretz Yisrael, that there should be no territorial concessions and even peace talks put Jewish life's at risk.

Congressman West agreed with the Rebbe's words, and reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring Jewish property growth while opposing any peace that puts Jewish life's at risk.

West says "The number-one language being learned by Hezbollah Islamic terrorists right now is Spanish."  
"No one's telling you about, if you go along to some of these little base camps they use along our border, you're finding Arabic translation into Spanish, translated into English. They're coming across our border. And at this time, regardless of what the president says, we are at war with a very vile enemy. And that enemy is radical Islamic terrorism. And they are here in our country. There are 36 training camps."
Also from the New Times ...
Much attention has been paid in the media to Allen West's mistrust of Muslims in general, but very little has been said about the origins of that mistrust and of West's disdain for Palestinians in particular. Which is too bad. The roots of West's animus are explained in some detail on his campaign site, and they are bizarre. "I do not support the creation of a Palestinian state...," West writes. "I do not support any division of Jerusalem. If I recall from history and the Old Testament, David, Son of Israel built Jerusalem and his son Solomon made it great. The muslim [sic] claims to Jerusalem are built upon a very contentious story concocted by muhammad [sic], and of course the latter conquering of the city, even by Salahaddin."

From an interview with neocon Frank Gaffney ...
"I think one of the critical things that we must come together is that there is an infiltration of the Sharia practice into all of our operating systems in our country as well as across Western civilization. So we must be willing to recognize that enemy."

West has already taken his required trip to Israel and spouts the standard line on 9/11.

On Jan 18  the televised Zionist variety show, “Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem” will have a special show in Florida featuring comedian Jackie Mason, former PLO terrorist Mossad asset Walid Shoebat and Congressman Allen West.

Another West quote ...
“We already have a 5th column that is already infiltrating into our colleges, into our universities, into our high schools, into our religious aspect, our cultural aspect, our financial, our political systems in this country. And that enemy represents something called Islam and Islam is a totalitarian theocratic political ideology, it is not a religion. It has not been a religion since 622 AD, and we need to have individuals that stand up and say that.”

 Of course he uses the psyops of Wikileaks to call for media censorship.

He's even called "Mr. Tea Party." 

West has been appointed to the House Armed Services Committee.
"Make no mistake, we are a nation at war against a totalitarian theocratic political ideology that glorifies death rather than celebrating life. To defeat it, we must stay on the offensive. From Afghanistan and Iraq to the Greater Middle East and South America, radical Islam is on the march. And while our attention is focused on combating global terrorism, we must not forget other looming threats just on the horizon in China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia & Iran. These nations and their leaders represent the biggest threat to our great nation. As your Congressman, I will work to reestablish American Exceptionalism by growing and modernizing America’s Armed forces to ensure that we are prepared for the strategic challenges ahead. Like President Reagan, I believe that peace is best kept through a strong national defense."

At an event commemorating the first full year of weekly rallies in support of Israel held at Broward Boulevard and Northeast Third Avenue in Fort Lauderdale Florida Congressional candidate Allen West details his reasons to support Israel.

Enough already! This new Congress is infested. We're in trouble.

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