Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Further Analysis of Feminism or the Male-Hating/Male-Shaming Mechanism

Daffy Duck fishingI baited Futrelle and his moronic minions hoping to get into the "mindset" I wish to battle. I already wrote up a quick diddy about some re-occurring themes I noticed in their senseless self-righteous outburst against me. I was hoping to get more than mere ad hominem attacks, but for the most part - that is all I got (sigh).

There were four re-occurring themes that are worthy of some more in-depth analysis. I believe them to be wrong-headed lines of thought, or possibly even deliberate deceptions. I am leaning that they are a form of the latter - not so much as to deceive society - but rather as a form of denial - to deceive themselves.

Rejection - my aunt's hat.

In order to label something as "rejection", the "rejectee" MUST make a proposal of some kind. Examples might include things like, "Can I have your phone number?", "Wanna go out with me sometime?", "My place or yours?".

The problem:

spoiled rotten princess bratThe women who told me to "f*ck off" essentially, were not being propositioned in anyway. In fact, in the majority of the cases, I was merely saying "hello" in one form or another.

This is not rejection on my part. This is severe social dysfunction on their part.

Food for thought:

Person A says to person B, "Hello"
Person B replies, "Fuck you!"

food for thoughtSuppose person A is black, and person B is white - what conclusion would most people draw about person A - that he or she is racist. When we apply this to the sexes - if person A is female and person B is male - person B (the man) is a jerk. Apply this once again - person A is male and person B is female - person A got "rejected". This is clearly a form of denial about the behavior of women - and it reveals something about the true nature of sexism in our society.

Clearly, person A is not being rejected. Person B has demonstrated an extreme prejudice, malice, or social dysfunction.

david futrelleOne thing that Futrelle and his pinheaded parasites cannot grasp is that in my ramblings about my life experiences - I am pointing out this severe prejudice, malice and social dysfunction that I have experienced from women. Futrelle and his half-baked hench-harpies simply brush it off as "he cannot handle rejection". This is denial. They refuse to believe that anything is wrong with women. Instead, they place all responsibility for such events on me (the man) - not the ill behaved and socially dysfunctional women I have encountered.

reject - refuse to accept

Accept what precisely? How exactly is it that I got rejected? What were these women refusing to accept?

I was offering nothing to accept by simply saying "hello" (or making a smart-ass remark). Therefore, no rejection occurred. What did occur was severe malice, hatred and social dysfunction.

I was simply acting nice in hopes of getting laid.

Daffy Duck angryThis one really distresses me. This cuckoo concoction is common amongst everybody I have encountered - MRA's, feminazi's, men, women, badgers and talking coffee pots.

I was not acting. I was behaving.

There is something out there called upbringing. When people are raised to behave a certain way towards their fellow human beings, as young adults, most of them will behave that way.

giving flowersSure, I have no doubt that there are men out there who simply act nice in order to get chicks. I have met men who actually fake accents - and tell women they are European soap opera stars - they get plenty of action. I however have not done such things - I was raised to be straightforward with others,

I was raised to be nice (towards men and women). I was not acting nice, I was behaving nice. I would venture a speculation that the majority of MEN have been raised as such.

This is an excellent demonstration of the feminist or male-hating mechanism at work

gullibleBelieving that when a man is being nice - he is simply acting and has hidden motives (i.e. he is being deceitful - how untrustworthy us men are eh?). There is no such thing as a man behaving in the way that he was brought up - that is, men are not nice - they simply sometimes act nice when they want things - i.e. sex.

This can properly be labeled as a form of male-bashing. Curious that it comes from all angles too - feminazi's, MRA's, men, women, pit-bulls, and animated play-doh.

This is one of the primary reasons I refuse to label myself as an MRA - I have no desire to affiliate myself with male-bashers - whether they are aware of their male-bashing or not - and no matter what skewed lines of thinking they employ to justify it.

Cause and Effect - such a difficult concept - NOT

cause and effectAnother way that Futrelle and his fruity fans wallow in denial is thus: They cannot grasp the concept that when I was being rejected as they erroneously put it - I was in my late teens and early twenties. That is, it happened in the past.

They cannot grasp the concept that now - in my late thirties and early forties, these things no longer happen to me.

Instead, they frantically try to discount me - in a continued effort to live in denial. They claim that the reason I am angry is because I am "not getting laid" - a very common shaming tactic and ad hominem attack. The fact is, I am getting laid regularly. I have engaged in every sex act I can think of and know of. It feels bloody extraordinary too!

Daffy Duck seriousAm I angry - absolutely. Why did it take women more than 30 years to start "going" for me? Or - is it the fact that I am now a bitter person towards women that is getting me so much action?

I am inclined to believe the latter - and that only makes me more bitterererer.

It tells me that the majority of women pass by MEN who come across to them as being "nice" - whether they are acting that way or behaving that way - and instead are intrigued by men who have a bitter resentment towards them (no wonder relationSH*Ts are rocked by so much turmoil - I blame women for this - got a problem with that - up yours).

For the record, my resentment really sparked when I was 36 or 37 years old. The 36th women I met on my woman-meeting-spree - I'll give the skinny here:

oh yeahWe met online, we talked via e-mail and phone and met at the Peppermill. The first thing she said to me was, "you look really pissed off". I came clean with her. I told her that I was pissed off because I was on a woman meeting spree - and how it seemed like women passed me up in my youth because I was not a jerk. I was rude to her, and kept threatening to leave (claiming she was not worth my time - and stupid like the others). She kept insisting that I stay. Long story short - within 30 minutes I was in her pick up truck in the Peppermill parking lot getting a blow job.

I was not born hating women - I eventually came to hate women - because I realized how incredibly stupid and worthless the larger portion of them are. The more I hate - the more sex I seemed to get - and from hotter and hotter women too. This just makes me hate them more.

The cause: socially dysfunctional and hateful women.
The effect: me hating women.
The cause: my hatred of women getting me sex.
The effect: me hating women even more.

Yeah, that's right, I was not born this way - I BECAME this way through life experiences (call it conditioning if you want).

My alleged "handful" of experiences.

David Futrelle and his batty brownnosers clearly have an exceptional lack of insight.
There are a handful of my experiences with women listed on my blog and web-site. From this, they come to the kooky conclusion that I have therefore only had a handful of experiences with women.

A disconnected deduction from disconnected dunces

If I were to list all the experiences I have had in my entire life with women, one blog would not be enough, and I would not have the time. I simply share some of the more severe, or interesting ones.

Example - specimen # 36 that I just previously mentioned - I make no write-up of her on my blog (uh, until now).

The fact that they dishonestly deduce that the scribblings on my blog represent all my life experiences with women demonstrate idiocy or dishonesty on their part (I lean towards dishonesty - more denial).

Overall, what I see coming from this group of demented dames and dickless dingbats is denial. They refuse to believe or accept that the larger portion of women have simply become callous conniving crabs locked in self-deception and dismissal.
What it ultimately boils down to is placing women on pedestals, regardless of their character. This is why trashy women like Deborah Flores Narvaez are mourned so diligently when they are killed by their psychotic boyfriends. Her character is irrelevant; she had a vagina and that made her an outstanding human being in their unbalanced understanding.

We must knock those pedestals down - and reveal the larger portion of women as the intolerable, society-polluting toxic she-beasts they have become.

PHEW! Ba-dee Ba-dee Ba-dee Ba-Dat's All FOLKS!

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