Monday, January 3, 2011

Hook, Line and Sinker - Unfortunately, all I caught was a Tin-Can...

But, a tin-can with some very interesting marking on it...

I was trying to bait David Futrelle, and it worked. I wrote this bit of bad-taste humor. He responded with this bit of misquoting and word inserting.

I am surprised with him - the redundant theme of "guys who definitely weren't me" is something I took from his blog.

Check out this post.

Notice the cross out at the bottom:

"turned him down" is crossed out - and replaced with "turned down other dudes (who definitely weren't him)"

Now I thought this was funny, and I wanted to incorporate it as best as I could into my post - and I did - go ahead and read it again if you wish.

I have a long list of interesting quotes, and my responses to them, but I plan to do something different - just list the overall mis-guided lines of thought that ensued:

  • I am not an MRA or an MGTOW or anything else. My post was used to bash and badmouth those people - even though I clearly state that I am not one of them.

    I apologize to these people for that!

  • In the post, I clearly call myself a "sour old fart". I make no claims to be a "nice guy", yet, the feminist mechanism insists that I am labeling myself as one. Nonsense - in the post, I clearly label myself as a "sour old fart". However, I am going to switch this to "angry misogynistic creep" - thanks David - I like that term better than "sour old fart"!

  • MRA's and MGTOW's: sorry, I did not "act" nice in my youth because I was taught that that is how to "get chicks". I BEHAVED that way because that is how I was RAISED. I still behave this way towards my fellow MEN - women can be damned. Sure Futrelle - go ahead and quote me on that.

  • The post I wrote was not a celebration of her death. It was simply an expression of a complete lack of caring for her death. There is a difference here: I threw no parties, I had no excitement, I held no toasts among friends. The post was intended to simply express my lack of compassion for her.

  • The BOO HOO women saying that men ignore women who are not HOT HOT HOT ensues. I have seen mediocre women turn HOT HOT HOT - it seems to go to their head very quickly, and they turn from decent human beings into skanks. Just because a woman has low self-esteem does not make her special in anyway.

  • The woman in the grocery store - there is a misconception that I was "hitting" on her. This is complete nonsense - I would have made that remark no matter who she was, what she looked like or even if she was a he. The feminist mechanism clearly ignores and tries to BURY the fact that a civilized comment was met with hostility. No surprise there.

  • The impression that the post overall was meant to be grimly serious.
    Yes, it was - the picture of Daffy Duck is a clear indicator of that. When I get serious, I use images of Daffy Duck to get my points across.
    (pssst - you have to humor these people...)

  • Misconception of "sex workers".
    • I have lived for 24 years in an area where sex workers are common - I have met many of them.

    • Women do not get into drugs because of the sex industry - women get into the sex industry because of drugs.

    • Sex workers are no more men-haters than any other classification of women.

  • That woman are creeped out by me.
    In days past they were not creeped out by me. If they were - I would NOT have gotten hostility - but fear. The fact that many women in my youth decided to "unload" their frustrations in life on me - shows how non-threatening I USED to be. Today, I have women, men, and children all approach me - and talk to me. People of all ages talk to me. I got invited to 4 Christmas parties, 5 New-Years Parties, and 7 Halloween Parties. These are not things that happens to a man who "creeps" people out.

  • My "enhancement" of "Live and Let Die" was labeled as "twisted" for adding the word "skanks" in it. So - letting people in general die is OK, but letting skanks die is somehow twisted? WTF? And here I thought that feminism was the radical notion that skanks are people.

  • I am somehow bitter because I thought of sex as a "right". WRONG. I expected civility to be returned with civility. Instead, I noticed that in a larger portion of the cases, civility was returned with hostility. I would wager a guess that if more women were taught to return civility with civility, less women would end up like Deborah. But - as Futrelle puts it, I - not him - am the misogynistic "creep".

One curious thing that Futrelle states is this:

"Everyone gets rejected. Some more than others, but that's life. Life's unfair. Yeah, some women go for assholes over "nice guys." That's their business, not yours."

Ok, so Dave, lets suppose we see a pattern of women rejecting men who uhm - I dunno - let see - WOULDN'T F*CKING KILL THEM for starters - and uhm - hooking up with uhm - I dunno - let's see - GUYS WHO DO F*CKING KILL THEM...
If we see such a pattern over and over again - we should just ignore it? After all, it's their business, not ours?

Who is it here that doesn't give a f*ck about these women?

That's right - me - misogynistic angry creep, toxic venemous toad whatever...So, if there is a pattern of women getting wasted repeatedly because they are being stupid and "going" for assholes - that is not our business.

I am sorry - but who is the "creep" here. Who is it that has no compassion for this woman - and others like her?

Anyway, in an effort to apologize for my outburst regarding Deborah Flores-Narvaez, I plan to write a new diddy in the future.

I'll call it, "101 Uses for Deborah Flores-Narvaez's Dead Body".

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