Friday, January 7, 2011

The Script

As with any major movie production, there has to be a script. The actors can wing it at times but to keep the show on target they must sooner or later be given their lines. On 9/11 those who were given the advance script kept popping in and out of the narrative throughout the day.

By 4:00 pm the theme of who was responsible for the attacks was being consolidated and  fed to all the major news outlets. Israel's Shimon Peres (at 5:31 of the below video) was ready with his scripted zombie like statements, setting the stage for the pre-planned wars.
"The only one that can save humanity from this terrible danger is the United States of America.
It is a sophistication of the most evil kind. Only the most evil people can arrive at such sophistication. The measures must be radical as the evil itself."
Ehud Barak followed up later that night.
As with the BBC, CNN dutifully took the message that was given to them and announced that WTC7 had already collapsed or was collapsing, well before the actual demolition.

The rigged 9/11 Commission didn't even mention WTC7.  The media actors read their lines out of sequence and that was one part that had to be covered up with silence. It was far from the only aspect to be buried. 

video source with uploader comment

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