Friday, January 7, 2011

What Feminist Sayings Should Say Fridays

Well, due to the popularity of some pictures I made, I have decided to offer a new regular feature on my blog:

What Feminist Sayings Should Say Fridays.

I was going to call it "Fun With Feminist Quotes Fridays" - but I figured I'd stick with the title that got the feminazi's so riled up at me.

Anyway, I will offer 5 quotes from feminists, or feminist supporters - or anti-male clowns who have no respect for DICK - and poke fun at them, or point out how lame they are.

These are a little dry - but trust me - I already have 45 of these ready to go - they are only going to get better! Enjoy the new "What Feminist Saying Should Say Fridays!"






As an extra bonus, here are two new magazines for women! I saw them in store shelves somewhere...

women's oppressionwomen's oppression

feminism equalityfeminism

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