Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Conference in Pictures

The Conference took place on the premises of an English medium school owned by the Anglican Church.
An uncle (Dad 's cousin) founded this school years ago. He left to start his own school and migrated to the USA after retirement.
This is an old part of the school preserved very well.
It was built during the British Raj
This is is the modern school hall .
We had our meetings in the nursery cafeteria

Behind the school is this
communication tower which connects me with the rest of the world

Another view of the school

Basketball court

Dr. P (left) is a teacher in the engineering College here.
He is also a leader and elder in his Brethren Assembly Church.
He led in the Bible Exposition
Evening devotions with
Bro J (right) , guest speaker who was a banker for more than 35 years, now he is a full time pastor, he came from Hyderabad
Since there were people who spoke different languages.
The messages were delivered in English and were translated into Hindi.

Worship Team

This brother is visually challenged and teaches
in the Benaras Hindu University , a university of
international repute.
Along with his teaching he is a strong witness for Christ.
He holds a Bible study in his home every week.
I was really challenged by his life,not to be slack in my spiritual life
and face my disabilities with courage.

Breaking up into groups for prayer

Taking notes

We had 80 registrations and many visitors too.
You can see me sitting on the bottom right hand side corner

Men 's fellowship.
The two main speakers having a chat

Mum 's fellowship

The youngest Conference delegate 10 months old

This little fellow had such a bright smile and was ever ready for a photograph.He is enjoying a guava.

The kids having fun.
We had 4 wonderful days of fellowship and teaching and my spirit is renewed and refreshed.
My parents were co-founders of the UPEGF.
The conference organizers wanted my mother to come for at least one session, but she could not make it,so a group of them
came to visit her at home today after the conference was over.
We had a time of re-counting old times and a visiting pastor prayed for us.

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