Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Catastrophism and Collective Amnesia

Time I am, destroyer of the worlds, and I have come to engage all people. With the exception of you, all the soldiers here on both sides will be slain.

       Could it be that the collective unconscious of humanity has always been driven by the 'memories' of the natural progressive cycles of catastrophic earth changes? It might help explain our preoccupation with 'the end of the world.' 

I pulled out my old copies of Immanuel Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" and "Earth in Upheaval" for a refresher in the archeological and mythological evidence of what has been termed catastrophism. Not the definitive answer to some questions but interesting and a part of of hidden history. Other theories are out there too, so it's best to make up one's own mind based on knowledge and intuition or maybe just settle for the old standby of  "I Don't Know."

The memory of the cataclysms was erased, not because of lack of written traditions, but because of some characteristic process that later caused entire nations, together with their literate men, to read into these traditions allegories or metaphors where actually cosmic disturbances were clearly described. {more
Embedded in our collective psyche are memories of catastrophic events of terrestrial and cosmic natures; deep down we all “remember” times when the skies were darkened, the earth rumbled, bolts of lightning illuminated the heavens. Humanity has been here long enough to have witnessed countless displays of “theomachy” or the “war of the gods” which ancient rulers sought to emulate. Immanuel Velikovsky believed that humanity as a whole had been so thoroughly traumatized by the succession of these events that modern man’s overall disposition was that of a mental patient who had no recollection of what had happened, but who behaved irrationally and even self-destructively in the process of repeatedly “acting out” or re-creating those traumatic events. {more}

We must remember that Velikovsky was a zionist and that some of his theories are skewed in that direction, especially concerning the alleged Hebrew exodus. He's a piece of the puzzle that does not reflect the whole picture.
Immanuel Velikovsky and Pole Shift 
The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive 
Immanuel Velikovsky: Pole Shift - video

The world is full of speculation on major events and the lead up to them.  Although it may be inevitable that catastrophic earth changes will happen, we don't actually know the timeline. In the meantime, we still have our lives to live and we still have the obligation to put a stop to the very real and very dangerous people who wish to rule by force, fear and deception and in some cases destroy us even before the forces of nature get their chance.  

Collective amnesia may be the least of our problems.

Fukushima Unit 4
The Japan situation, "fear on the ground" as ABC news calls it, seems to be leading us into a situation the media thrives on, continual fear that may be sometimes justified, and stories of heroes. The "Fukushima 50 ..." 

An unnamed American official spells out 'our' position on the "suicide mission to save Japan."
"We are all-out urging the Japanese to get more people back in there to do emergency operation there, that the next 24 to 48 hours are critical."

"They need to stop pulling out people—and step up with getting them back in the reactor to cool it. There is a recognition this is a suicide mission." 
Monsters live among us. 

Old grudges ... new ones born every minute

In some nice timing while our attention is focused on Japan ... Raymond Davis is freed.

Acquitted of double murder charges and released by court after a deal to pay ‘blood money’ to victims’ families was reached.

It is interesting times indeed.

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