Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Hide Jesus -Steve Turner

Photos of  Ashish and Megan  at  the  All  Saint 's  Cathedral. Its  a  landmark heritage  site  of our  city.  This  church  was  built  about  200  years ago  during   the  British Raj.

Both Ashish  and Megan   are  back in Canada. Today (March  10th)  is  Megan 's  birthday. Happy  birthday  Megan.

This  poem  made  me  think  deeply

How to hide Jesus -Steve  Turner

There are people after Jesus.
They have seen the signs.
Quick Lets  hide  Jesus
Let’s think; carpenter,
fishermen’s friend,
disturber of religious comfort.

Let’s award Him a degree in theology,
a purple cassock
and a position of respect.
They’ll never think of looking here.

Let’s think;
His dialect may betray Him,
His tongue is of the masses.
Let’s teach Him Latin
and seventeenth century English,
they’ll never think of listening in.

Let’s think;
Man of Sorrows,
nowhere to lay His head.
We’ll build a house for Him,
somewhere away from the poor.
We’ll fill it with brass and silence.
It’s sure to throw them off.

There are people after Jesus.
Quick, let’s hide Him.

Poet Steve Turner imagines Jesus being born today “in a downtown motel marked by a helicopter’s flashing bulb…” Steve, rock biographer and journalist, has been writing poetry since the 1970s. He selected 12 of the poems he has written between then and now which are about Jesus. They range from the “animals, stables, stars and babies” of Christmas to the “mattress of stone” on Easter morning.

Taken  from  rejesus,

Do  visit  this inspiring  website.

May  the  love, passion  and  suffering   of  Christ become  more  real  to us  this  Lent  season

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