Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Repetition Rides Again

The repetitive babbling being transmitted daily from the tower only confirms that those that think they are in charge are getting desperate in pounding their agenda down our throats. They know that their latest round of deceptions is not going over that well.

Obama 'logic' on the continuing use of nuclear power plants on fault lines, on the oceans and rivers ...
It’s important to recognize that nuclear energy doesn’t emit carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.”
Much better to have plutonium spread around, don't you think?

Don't worry. It's all just a matter of numbers. The EPA is preparing to dramatically increase permissible radioactive releases in drinking water, food and soil after “radiological incidents.”  So unless you're going swimming in the reactor pool, the new limits should keep you safe.

No kidding, who would have thunk it?
President Obama has a signed a secret presidential finding authorizing covert operations to aid the effort in Libya where rebels are in full retreat despite air support from U.S. and allied forces, a source tells ABC News.
'setting up a legal framework for more robust activities in the future'
Legal framework .. like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza?  "Robust activities" ... don't you just love these new terms for murder and mayhem?

Wolfie Blitzer loves this.

Going too far for even the most gullible to believe  ...
Al Qaeda Planted 160 Nuke Bombs Across USA. Al-Qaeda Nuclear Scientists working in Dimona?  

9/11 Omission co-chairs are still babbling on to increase the centralized police state powers. Their backtracking and saying they were deceived by the Pentagon and others does not fly. They are still criminal co-conspirators.
Lee Hamilton:  "The terrorist false flag threat will be with us far into the future, demanding that we be ever vigilant."

Tom Kean: "Alarming development" of "self-radicalization" of U.S. citizens and residents patsies and scapegoats.
"Al-Qaeda CIA/Mossad and its allies continue to have the intent and the reach to kill dozens or even hundreds of Americans in a single attack," "There is a high risk of attacks, but they will likely be smaller."
Given these co-liars track record, could that really mean another likely 'big one?'

Bomb Belarus Now! They are trading with Iran.
As usual, Joe Lieberman leads the tough talk for Israel against Iran sanction breakers and includes China and Russia as those who are not helping the cause of his real homeland.
McCain and Lieberman babble on about Syria. What's good for Israel again ...

Massive teacher layoffs while we rush headlong into more war.  Johnny can't read but hey, the military can educate him in the fine art of shooting Muslims and becoming cannon fodder.

Ben Bernanke keeps repeating that surging prices for food and fuel won’t wind up breaking the cost of living for Americans. Of course not. For every dollar more you pay for bread and gas, the cost of a big screen TV goes down by about the same amount. You see, it all balances out. 

Chaim Witz  (Israeli-born Gene Simmons) gets more unwarranted jewish media face time and says of those bands and musicians who boycott Israel ...
“They’re fools.” 
Like those who have bought Kiss records, concert tickets, lunch boxes, etc., eh Gene. Has there every been a band that sucked any more than Kiss?

Closer to home the repetition is focusing on one certain aspect.
Have homeland security and FEMA been reading too much Edgar Cayce on the New Madrid Fault or do they know something?

FEMA New Madrid National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 11), May 16-19

Predictive programing,  fear mongering, justifying the large FEMA budgets?   Underwater body bags need to be procured?

Soon to be new naval and commercial shipping port  in Kansas City? Maybe that NAFTA superhighway is going to come in handy west of the new waterway?

Diane Sawyer got in on the New Madrid talk tonight calling the area the most dangerous place in our country.

Watch as they continue repeating the New Madrid danger.    ... just in case they have the chance to say "I told you so."

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