Thursday, March 10, 2011

Forward We Stumble

Family Life by Tanya Miller

As we stumble along our paths there are no doubts that we are encountering degenerative elements who with every move are attempting to see to it that we are the ones that fall.

War is a proven control mechanism for the empire and the degenerate General Petraeus tries to soften us up for a difficult summer ahead in Afghanistan.
"Many intelligence estimates say that it will be as violent or perhaps even more violent" than 2010, Petraeus said at his office in Kabul.
"They will come back in force. There is some concern that there will be sensational attacks that could be indiscriminate in nature," he warned.
Sensational attacks? Another good reason to never leave. If need be we'll create our own 'new sensations.' As Peter Chamberlin points out in "If the Script Calls for Credible 'Bad Guys,' Then Create Some:"
The best-laid plans of America’s sickest minds are unraveling before their bloodshot evil eyes. The further the CIA mind-twisters stretch in trying to make their crazy “militant Islamist” scheme work somewhere in the Muslim world, the more the edges ravel on the magnificiant whole-cloth of lies that they have so lovingly woven for us. We should all be allowed to smile just a little when the CIA’s dumbest “mind-fuck” plans fail, if it were not for the fact that they have gambled our futures on their plots.
The great thing about “al-Qaeda” is that they are the terrorist group that has something to offer for anyone who needs a patsy to fulfill a task, whether that be to cover a political assassination of an annoying individual, a military incursion into an innocent country, the suppression of national civil rights, or even the use of martial law tactics against unarmed citizens. {more}

Then there's this creepy CONgressman Peter King who wants us to see a Muslim 'terrorist' behind every tree and make sure the police state rolls on. Visible nails the clown and gives us the real reason why these degenerates do as they are told ... blackmail.
The reason that Peter King is holding these hearings is the same reason that Guantanamo is all over the news and that is to obfuscate the information that is revealed in places like this, in order to counteract against the information revealed in places like this. What you get is a bunch of nonsense about Muslim terror percentages and for that you need to send in SWAT teams of TSA agents to hand rape people in Thobes and Hijabs, or anything really. You get to hear the name, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, over and over and over and over again, juxtaposed with 9/11, which he had nothing to do with because 9/11 was done by Neo-Pharisees and corrupt members of the American and Crown Colony fascistos. {more}
To try and prop up the King hate fest, some in the media will resort to the CIA/Mossad talking points of al-Qaeda's American-bred leadership. Since there's no law against the media lying to the public, these people have no problem calling themselves journalists.

The Islamophobia hearings can be viewed here if you're into self torture.

While King moves his blackmailed lying lips, Hillary Clinton 'testified' before before a House Appropriations Subcommittee seeking 'mo money.' Her claws scratch the surface of deceit while spewing her 'excitement' of the developments in the Middle East, our national interests and "putting al-Qaeda on the run." The state department's $47 billion, or is it $59.5 billion using some slight of hand, budget includes exceptional wartime overseas contingency operations. Temporary of course. A good return on the investment in blood and treasure she proclaims.

Moving right along in the land of the degenerates, we come to one of the most despicable of so called humans, Abe Foxman. Whenever this fat genetically challenged mammal comes up for air to call for an apology, you know he is attacking some sort of truth. Otherwise he would leave it alone. Nodding in agreement to the statement that jews run the media, as former NPR money beggar Ron Schiller did, gives Foxman the opportunity to attack.
“No matter the circumstances, raising false stereotypes about Jewish control of the media is dangerous and inappropriate. Mr. Schiller’s remarks were offensive and he should acknowledge his mistake and apologize.” {more}

The continuing degenerate behavior of Israel will take much more cash from the U.S. Israeli blackmail once again for the Palestinian peace process as well as for what Israel calls themselves ... a 'stabilizer in such a turbulent region.' It sounds like a joke but the punch line never comes.

The Israeli military continues to pound the Iran drum. This time it's that Iran is supplying direct assistance to Gaza including a "very big arsenal" of rockets that can strike deep inside Israel. One might wonder why Hamas doesn't use them instead of the 'bottle rocket' supposedly fired yesterday into an Israeli open field. No injuries or damage but an excuse for Israel to drop a few bombs on several targets in the Strip.

Israeli zionist propaganda is pushed into middle school 'education' here in the U.S. Some parents take exception to the lies being taught their kids and are calling out the system on it. It's something to applaud as we stumble forward.

The stumbling of America is not by chance but by design. Now it's a major push for the decimation of the middle class in Wisconsin and then it will be on to the rest of the country.
A corporate asset-grab not seen since robber baron capitalism.

But who is one to steal from? Most wealth in history has been acquired either by armed conquest of the land, or by political insider dealing, such as the great US railroad land giveaways of the mid 19th century.
So Walker's war is not only against the Democrats and labour, it is against Wisconsin's Progressive Era institutions. His policy threatens to pauperise the state and deal a coup de grace to Progressive Era institutions and impoverish the state's middle class. Contra John Maynard Keynes's gentle suggestion of "euthanasia of the rentier", it is the middle class that is being euthanised – throughout North America and Europe. {more}

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