Saturday, January 23, 2010

Celebrities Plead for Haiti but Not for Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza

Hollywood celebs and mainstream musical artists put on a show for Haitian relief last night. You couldn't miss it if you turned on the TV, it was on all the major channels. Reports are that over $1 billion so far has been given worldwide for Haiti. That's well and good if the money is not siphoned off down a rabbit hole of corruption.

But where are the benefit concerts for the man made US disasters of war?

Conspicuously absent ...

Who Hates Haiti? The Iraqis Ought To.
In the 7th year of the illegal and unconstitutional war against Iraq, an earthquake struck Haiti. With thousands dead, with whole towns leveled, the United States acted. It sent millions of dollars in aid; it sent thousands of relief workers; it sent ships; it sent soldiers. It permitted hundreds of thousands of Haitians illegally in the U.S. to remain indefinitely. American grocery stores and pizza parlors set out canisters to collect money for Haitian relief. The plight of Hispaniola's benighted western half was the talk of gym rats. It was on the front pages of daily newspapers.

It was a natural disaster.

Iraq is a man-made disaster.

It has been ignored by the man in Congress and the man in the street. It has been disregarded by the media and by the church.

Why? There are millions dead, murdered with malice aforethought by American soldiers and mercenaries. There are millions of refugees, living hand to mouth in poor Middle-Eastern countries. There are thousands given asylum in the United States and Europe. The country itself is in ruins, bombed and shelled with poisonous uranium, with little electricity, with little potable water, and with barely-functioning sewage treatment.

It's policy. Iraqis are Sand Niggers. Worse, most are Muslim. And Israel sees them as a threat.

And what Israel sees, America believes. {more - Michael Springmann}

I did like Sting's 'Driven to Tears' last night, great lead guitar tone and horns. Too bad he and the others such as Jack Nicholson and Julie Roberts won't take a stand against war and its victims as they have for Haiti.

Neil Young is one of the few 'stars' to actively speak out against war. He looking old but that's to be expected.

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