Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something I have to Point Out...

I read this article on the False Rape Society blog:

Witch Doctor Lawmaker Wants To Lop Off the Balls of Sex Offenders

I believe that this ties in directly to Dr. Rookh Kshatriya's AngloBitch thesis.

He states that feminism is nothing new. It is in fact simply an extension of very old puritanical values (that is what my simple mind got out of it anyway) - the best example of this would be those radical feminists that objected to pornography. They did not object to it as liberated women, or even enlightened women. They objected to it, because our culture stems from old-school puritanical thought.

Back to the article on the False Rape Society, also refer to this article:

Barbaric penile plethysmography testing (requiring the subjects to masturbate) motivated by a desire to humiliate male sex offenders
Mid Evil Torture Device
A group of so-called "modern", "enlightened", "evolved" and "liberated" women want to bring back mid-evil-ism when dealing with criminals.

Mid Evil Torture DeviceThis is an excellent demonstration of how far up their asses these women's heads actually are. They claim to be modern, enlightened, evolved and liberated - but all they are doing is re-enforcing some extremely old puritanical sadism on criminals.

These "feminists" are not modern at all. Nor are they complaining about oppression as they would have us believe.

They are indeed mid-evil and puritanical. The sickness that they exhibit is also clear - "a man's penis is the source of all of his flaws". They even go so far as to fabricate mass-scale sex-crimes that do not actually occur. These people need straight jackets - yet - they are indeed the ones in charge of our culture.

It is sad that our culture has not done away with this line of thinking yet.

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