Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Slow Demise of Political Establishment Whores

Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission demonstrating his 'magic' bullet theory in 1964.

Over 45 years have passed since Specter first entered the national spotlight of cover ups and corruption. That's a long time for a career criminal to wield power and it remains to be seen if Joe Sestak, an ex-career vice admiral, will be any better for the people. Probably not. Sestak is all in favor of the neverending wars and keeping up the myth of al Qaeda and that they did 9/11. Finally getting rid of Specter is long overdue but replacing one warmonger with another is not really 'progress.'

In Kentucky, Rand Paul won round one for a trip to the Senate and the media is gushing over his grassroots support and how the 'tea party' is making an impact. That's the same 'tea party' that neocon/Israel first Sarah Palin is trying to claim as her own. Rand is playing the game to get elected in a conservative state and it  also remains to be seen how far he can eventually distance himself from those who will use him.

Rand could make a difference but going too far might be dangerous to his health. He could become the 'designated dissenter' in the Senate as his father is in the House with plenty of good talk but little getting accomplished as those around him subvert the actions needed to accomplish real 'change.'

The establishment may be reeling a little this morning but are not to be counted out. Big money, threats and blackmail are still the rule, not the exception.

The bottom line is still the bankers and how far their minions will go to maintain power. Replacing a few of the whores in Congress will not be enough.
The Bankster-Gangster Crowd .. Murdering People for over 2,000 years

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