Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cool Aid

Stepping out in temperatures hovering between

40-45^C (105-110*F) is quite a feat.

But life must go on hot or cold.

These are the girls from Hindu Mahila School (K-12)

(Hindu Women 's School)

The lass on the left has covered her face with a kerchief. Many

do likewise and wear long gloves to avoid sun burn and tan.A fair or light complexion is favored in India.

Schools are meeting in the mornings between 7am to 10 or 11 am.

See the girls in the school rickshaw.

This type of rickshaw is used to transport school kids.

Its quite convenient as parents don 't have to take

their children themselves.

But the rickshaw walas stuff too many kids

into the seats.They get paid by

the month.

Dad is taking his two kids

home on his scooter'

Others travel by car, bus or their own cycles , motorcycles etc.

But when you are hot, you need

some refreshment.

This sign outside MacDonald 's beckons

me whenever I pass by.

At Rupees 10 their vanilla cone is quite cheap.

But I give it a

cold shoulder for the obvious reason.

I read about a chocolate fountain on Donetta' s blog

and I wondered what it looked like.

I found this man displaying one

in his little cupcake stall

outside the Big Bazaar Shopping Mall.

I have never tasted any of his treats,

but these chocolate cakes look good.

This man is selling a spiced mango drink called Panna.
Its a traditional cool aid.

I make it at home.

You can check the recipe HERE

The Bael fruit is another cooler and is known

for its medicinal properties.

It is also known as Indian quince, wood apple or stone apple.

You have to extract its soft pulp

and make a sweet sherbet with it

adding ice.

I make this at home too.

These drinks are for men on the move.

They are best made at home.

But there is nothing like plain old H2O to

quench your thrirst.

Here under the shade of a peepal tree

are earthen pots containing water.

The peepal tree is worshipped by the Hindus

and feared too, as their believe

spirits reside in it.

So you can say your prayers,

quench your thirst

and read the newspaper

all in one spot.

On a side street there was a metal stand with

drinking water pots.

This man is drinking from a cup.

And a street dog is closely watching

hoping for a sip.
(The last 2 photos are from the www)

Yesterday we had a power cut from 10am till 4pm,

the hottest part of the day.

So hand fans should be within reach.

Here is a man selling them.

They are made with palmyra leaves.

Many kinds of fans are available.

Many people don 't have fridges.

So clay water jars are a good option to keep water cool.

When we were growing up we did not have a fridge.

We used jars like these.

And in the evening the ice man came around

and we bought ice to put in our sherbet.

Good old days they were,

we were not dependant on science and technology.

And life was simpler and people centered.

There are many more ways to keep cool.

I will share more later on.

What are some of the ways

you keep cool?

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