Monday, August 17, 2009

Calming Epidemic Hysteria

Millions were attacked in 1918 by a supposed bug that killed people all over the world. And worse, we still don't know all the details about that.

But we can read reports of the virus being brought to North America by returning WW I sailors, and then moving westward by railcar. We can feel a little like Ripley and the crew of Nostromo fighting a seemingly invincible alien when they don't know where the damned thing is hiding.

It's easy to provode human paranoia of the outside world. But the truth is a little more complex.

Today on Healing Through Consciousness, Calming Epidemic Hysteria.

There is a lot of new work being done here in Brazil related to the influence of our psyches and emotions on our physical health. Actually, Norberto Keppe, the president of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, the science we base this podcast on, has been working for more than 50 years to determine the true origin of illness. And he's written and broadcast extensively on the subject. I invite you to find out more about his work, and our Analytical Trilogy portal is a good place to start. And of course I'm always available to steer you in the right direction. Just email me.

One scientist Keppe has been studying a lot is Antoine Béchamp, a French scientist, doctor, chemist, toxicologist and esteemed professor ... and a contemporary of Pasteur. And what Keppe is showing us is that Béchamp's scientific work was far, far superior to Pasteur's. You can do your own research on that - the Internet is full of stuff - and you're going to find some surprises about the blatant promotion of Pasteur's Germ Theory because it was a way to sell pharmaceuticals. And Béchamp's genius and superior scientific discoveries? Left in the dust.

The idea that viruses or bacteria invade us from the outside is totally Pasteurian thinking. And there is much in it to be questioned. But this paranoia of the natural world is all around us today, from TV commercials with fanatical housewives desperate to obliterate any sign of offending bacteria in the kitchen and odors in the bathroom, to the plethora of Animal Planet and Nature Channel TV shows using CSI style to reveal the monsters inside us. It's made to seem like parasitic infections and microbial invations are ready to leap from the natural world and burrow their way into our lungs and brains, just like the monster exploded from John Hurt's stomach in Alien.

This is a world of violence, threats, warfare even. Except it's really not. And this is what Keppe's science is addressing - what's really going on when we get sick.

You're invited to join us in the discussion, of course, by email or through Skype, healingthroughconsciousness is our Skype name.

Now, let's try to calm down the epidemic hysteria.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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