Saturday, August 22, 2009

O Love that Will Not Let Me Go

My dear friends I want to thank you for
praying for Namrita.
I called her up in the morning
and she sounded much better.
She said she felt weak and there was
a throbbing in her head.
but she she felt better.
She told me , on Friday night
she felt a Presence enter her room and draw out the pain
and sickness from her body.
She has never felt this way before.
It was such an amazing thing.
" When you were in trouble,you called
and I saved you
I answered you with thunder"
Psalm 81:7

We are convinced this is the Lord 's doing.
It was the time when family and friends
were interceding for her.
Please continue to pray for Namrita,
her husband Marak and boys,
Mishael and Rayguel.
May the Lord cause all of them
to be conformed into His image.

God will whisper. He will shout.
He will touch and tug.
He will take away our burdens;
he 'll even take away our blessings.
If there are a thousand steps
between us and him,
he will take all but one.
But he will leave the final one for us.
The choice is ours.
Please understand.
His goal is not to make you happy.
His goal is to make you his.
His goal is not to get you what you want;
it is to get you what you need.
And if that means a jolt or two,
to get you in your seat,then be jolted.
Earthly discomfort is a glad swap
for heavenly peace.
Jesus said ,
"In this world you will have trouble,
but be brave!
I have defeated the world"
John 16;33

(Max Lucado -A Gentle Thunder)
We had a very nice Friday fellowship meeting
last night at Aunt Virginia 's house.
A young man spoke on Acts chapter 4.
The last few verses where we are told
how Christians sold their belongings and land
and pooled in their money to meet
each other' s needs and shared
their resources.
It was a great reminder to us
to live for one another
and share each other 's burdens.

These teapots are so cute.
The pumpkin teapot is a creation
of Dame Penni, my dear artist friend.
The rose pot is from the web.

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