Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Comfort Zone and Out

(I love this cute graphic, the doggie looks like my Sheeba)

Since Monday I have been down with a cold.The heat and humidity did me in.
I treated myself with DeCold Total, herbal balm
and Tulsi tea (Basil)
I am much better today.

H1N1 is spreading its tentacles in India.
We 've had more than 10 deaths in the past one week
in different parts of our country.
One case tested positive locally.

I have a patch of Basil growing in my kitchen garden.
I spiced up the chai with some peppercorn,
crushed ginger root, gur (jaggery),cinnamon
and regular tea.
Makes a refreshing brew.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea
(Holy Basil Tea)
Tulsi tea, which originated in India thousands of years ago, is known for its rich antioxidant and adaptogenic properties that are known to promote wellness by building the body’s immune system, reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.
It is recognized as one of India's most sacred herbs because of its health benefits and healing properties.

Tulsi Tea's antioxidants protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals that facilitate the cause and progression of various types of diseases.
Also referred to as holy basil tea, this herbal brew’s adaptogens serve as powerful anti-stress agents that protect your body from a wide range of health concerns.
The adaptogens guard against and deal with physical, chemical, environmental, and emotional factors that produce high levels of stress that compromise physical and mental health.

Potential Health Benefits
Strengthens the immune system, promotes longevity and enhances well-being.
Promotes heart health by lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Reduces the negative physical and psychological effects of stress.
Increases the body’s efficiency in using oxygen, which improves stamina, strength and endurance.
Promotes respiratory health.
Helps with digestion and gastrointestinal problems.
Neutralizes dangerous biochemicals that contribute to cancer, degenerative diseases and premature aging.

Facilitates healthy liver function.

Reduces cell and tissue damage from sun rays, radiation therapy and other radiation sources.
Relieves inflammation from arthritis and other diseases.
Helps fight infections.
It is important to note that, while there is scientific evidence that supports many of these health claims, additional research is needed to further substantiate medicinal impact and safety -- as with any herbal therapy. Always consult with your doctor before using herbal treatments.

(I copied the above information from a website)
The Hindus worship the Tulsi plant.

My mother is reading George Verwer 's book

'Out of the Comfort Zone '

little by little every morning. On the back cover it says -


George Verwer has managed to write a book that is humble and hard hitting at the same time.He doesn 't pull any punches in his heart 's cry for a 'grace awakened" approach to mission

and wants to cut through any superficial spirituality

that maybe lurking inside you."

Francis Chan 's challenging video goes well with it.

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