Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Legend of the 10th Amendment or "All I want for Christmas is my constitution back"

It's now up to the local and state 'rule of law' to reign in the federal government/corporate/banker/military industrial complex/media crime syndicate.

It's a toss up if there's even a chance to slow it down. Cheap talk without an aggressive followup doesn't mean a thing.

Like most of our other constitutional rights, the US Congress chooses to ignore the 10th amendment when it suits their agenda. By refusing to acknowledge the limits of congressional power and to leave alone the states to their responsibilities, it sure casts doubts on Congress to be willing to uphold any rights.

The health care debate, if you can call it that, has once again brought the issue of states rights to the forefront, at least in Tennessee ... sort of ...
TN lawmakers seek action to thwart federal health-care bill

State Reps. Debra Maggart, R-Hendersonville, and Susan Lynn, R-Mt. Juliet, are asking the state's attorney general to take legal action to stop the federal health-car reform bill because it would expand Medicaid.

They say such an expansion without proper funding would be a violation of state sovereignty.

"Under this bill, Tennessee would be forced to expand our Medicaid program, potentially costing the citizens of the state $1.4 billion dollars in additional state taxpayer funds annually," Maggart and Lynn wrote in a letter to Tennessee Attorney General Robert Cooper on Monday. "Such an increase would place a great burden on the citizens of this state. It is clear by the wording of the legislation itself that not every state would face a similar and equal burden.

"We see this as a violation of the equal protection of the law, an affront to our sovereignty, and a breach of the U.S. Constitution."

Those words are well and fine but keep in mind that these ladies are Republicans and work within the two party framework of partisanship.

Where were they during the Bush administration and it's numerous violations of state sovereignty and crimes? Where would they stand if it was a Republican president now doing the same thing? I'm going to presume they would be silent.

Why stop only at the health care issue? There are several other areas of federal government misdeeds that could also use some legal action starting at the state level.
How about the sending of the Tennessee National Guard overseas in undeclared wars?
What about the allowing of the private Federal Reserve to counterfeit our currency and manipulate the economy for their own benefit? And how about the using of the illegal unconstitutional IRS as the enforcement arm, at threat of death or imprisonment, of the Fed to extort every dime they can from the working people? Any state say so there?

Education money blackmail? The states must do as they are told or risk losing funds. That includes pushing revisionist history and propaganda.

Prosecuting 'hate crimes' as defined by federal law and private organizations (ADL) and allowing these agenda driven, money fed parasites to mold policy? Seems unconstitutional and an affront to states rights to me.
That's only a few of some off the cuff reasons to stop the fed crime scene. You can come up with many more if so inclined.

In all fairness to these 'liberty ladies,' they have tried to affirm our 2nd amendment states rights. But the BATF sent them a letter essentially stating that they were out their league and that they would tell them what the states were allowed to do.

I haven't seen a followup or a state/federal confrontation on the 2nd amendment issues and I don't anticipate any different for the 10th amendment ones.

The feds are too far gone to be salvaged. If we don't take the offensive at the local/state level ... nobody else will.

Oh yeah .. and what about those wars ... shouldn't we at the local level have a say so? We are the ones who supply our children to the war machine.

Christmas in the Trenches

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