Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Work in progress

In my reading through the One Year Bible

I have come to the Book of Ezra where the Jews returned

to Jerusalem to rebuild the ruined temple.

I found this old painting from the Illustrated Bible

I find quite a bit of similarity between the workmen of centuries past and our men-manual labour, using rudimentary instruments.

Like the Jews faced a lot of opposition

and spiritual oppression from their enemies

we also face that on a daily basis.

But as the Lord granted the nation of Israel success,

He will help us finish our task.

A lot of vegetation has to be cleared.

Huge trees with tangled up roots.

We can 't cut the trees but the roots have to be

curtailed otherwise they will break through the new wall

and weaken it.

Sheeba on an inspection round.

The wall behind this man is very old and weak.

The lower part was built by the British.

Namrita and her sons boarded the train this morning.

I called her on her cell phone at 9pm

and she said everything was fine

and the boys were abed in their berths.

They are comfortable in their air conditioned

coach.I am not calling her too much as

she has to pay to receive the call.

She told me that the train is

running on time which is good news.

This is a 100 year old photo of Namrita

flanked by Mom and Pop

and me at the back.

I fixed these ancient photos in these vintage hand carved

photo frames from Kashmir.

Namrita (on top) with Mum and Dad.

(L-R) Namrita, Nam and I the day after her wedding,

I had a Bohemian style of dressing then.

again Nam and I.

The whole day I was very busy and its late night.

The train arrives at 9.30 am.

(In the past two days temperature has dipped

down to the 60s and 50s.

Quite cold for us.)

Have a good day friends.

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