Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Santa needed to pay his elves."

The latest in a string of Nashville bank robberies since Thanksgiving personified the season as a clumsy but jovial  Santa 'madoff' with some cash, supposedly to pay his 'elves.'  Unconfirmed reports are that Santa had already hocked his sleigh and was heard yelling "Take that Goldman Sachs" as he rode out of sight in a car.

In another local 'Grinch that stole Christmas' tale, thieves broke into a business and took all the stockings that were to be given to a women and children homeless shelter. Desperate times indeed.

Ah, but the universal balancing act kicks in to counter the 'bad Santas' and their compadres in crime as what was described as an 'angel' passed out Christmas cards with $100 bills in a Kmart and 2 men left a $400 tip for 2 Waffle House waitresses.

The give and take of Christmas in America .....

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