Friday, March 12, 2010

9/11 Critical Mass?

Perhaps not but it seems like there's a lot of attention being focused on the issue.

ABC covered the 'Treason in America' conference but focused on the Loose Change boys who are not exactly the most likely to convince main stream Americans.

Jesse Ventura is all over the tube from The View to Larry King promoting his new book and while it's hard to not like what he says, it's still Jesse and he's too often seen as a marginal figure.

The Washington Times did have a fair but very short article that quoted Richard Gage on the demolitions of WTC 1,2 & 7 but I think it was only online and not in the print edition.

Of course there is never an Israeli 9/11connection mentioned in the MSM even as speculation. That's totally off limits since Fox and Carl Cameron ran the Mossad spy ring story in Nov. 2001 and were chastised by their handlers and had to 'pull it.'

Then there's Russia Today. Hardly a day goes by without without a feature on 9/11 from them. But having very limited US over the air broadcasts and cable or satellite outlets, their reach is mostly via youtube videos. Just having the name Russia doesn't encourage many American fence sitters to seek out their news that our bought and fixed MSM won't touch. It has even been thought that RT may play a part in the controlled opposition so even as we cheer on their reporting there's still questions concerning what their ultimate agenda may be.

One thing those tasked with the continuing cover up of 9/11 don't want to see are civilian trials. Those could prove to possibly be too enlightening. Don't expect the bogus 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to ever see the inside of a civilian court.

Today there's the announcement of a 'deal' with ground zero workers in a victim's compensation settlement for their illnesses. Hush money? It's very convenient that most likely there will be no trials.
Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein does his job once again in the cover up.

The Glenn Beck - Debra Medina episode effectively derailed Medina's Texas gubernatorial race. She most likely would not have won in the diebold voting world of Texas and ziocon Rick Perry but it has caused a rift in the constitutional freedom movement that continues to today. Examples can be continuously found at the Daily Paul. Are 'truthers' hurting the cause? Should they shut up and go elsewhere and just let politicians go on with the 'boxcutter' conspiracy theory in the face of overwhelming evidence and don't give the media whores ammunition.? Divide and conquer is a time tested technique.

So where does this lead us? Is 9/11 truth destined to be like the JFK assassination where most everyone knows the official story was a lie but it doesn't matter? Where the government and media win the cover up wars and we're all dead before the truth may finally be known, if ever?

Or is there a plan to slowly allow the truth to become known even to the most 'head in the sand' Americans who are scared of the facts? And to what purpose? The collapse of the US and a solution imposed that may involve something along the lines of a world government to keep this from ever happening again?

9/11 truth is not going away. We'll just have to wait and see how it all falls out but the more we know and see how we are being manipulated, the better our chances are to survive.

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