Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Close Encounter of the Beast Kind

This morning as I was walking back from
the Post office, I encountered a big black stray
bull ambling right into my path.
I paused and stepped aside to let him pass -
complying with animal etiquette, but
the black beast came right at me like
a slow moving train engine.
I had nowhere to run except into the traffic as
workmen were digging a trench for
underground cables.
I screamed and asked a man cleaning the road to help me.
He shouted at the bull.
But the beast was not his baby.
Anyway the shouting and screaming
distracted him and I escaped unharmed.
I was scared as I 've been poked by a cow once and bitten by a monkey.
Web photo of a stray bull.
When people have no use for them they
loose them on the streets.
They don 't euthanize them
as they are worshipped by the Hindus.

Short video by an American tourist.
Here is another video
Cat-tle Walk on National Highway # 8
We will, we will
Shock you!!!

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