Friday, August 27, 2010

The American Culture Discriminates Against Male Heterosexuality

Also: Double Standards Part I and Double Standards Part II

Ask yourself how true the following statements feel to you:
  • If a woman fails to climax, it's the man's fault.
    If a man fails to climax, it's the man's fault.

  • If a woman fails to get aroused, something's wrong with the man.
    If a man fails to get aroused, something's wrong with the man.

  • Men are expected to ask for the date and risk rejection.
    Women are not.

  • If a woman rejects a man - its because he is a pig.
    If a man rejects a woman - its because HE is a jerk.

  • A woman rejecting a man as rudely as possible (even when rudeness is NOT called for) is considered funny.
    A man rejecting a woman rudely is considered rude and sadistic.

  • A woman being raped is no laughing matter.
    A man being raped is considered funny - Just watch "Super Troopers" - or many other movies/TV shows.

  • A man is supposed to initiate physical intimacy:

    • If he initiates it too slowly, she considers him timid - rejection

    • If he initiates it awkwardly, she considers him a jerk - rejection

    • If he initiates it too quickly, he might get charged with date rape.

    • Too slow for one woman may be too fast for another - the man has to guess.

    • If he guesses wrong, he gets rejected or charged with a crime.

  • In some states, a woman can charge a man with rape simply because she was drunk when she had sex with him - she is not held responsible for her actions because she was drunk.
    BUT - even if the man was also drunk at the time, he is still held responsible for his actions, and hers.

  • A woman may anonymously accuse a man of rape.
    The media may freely report the man's name and the charge against him, even if the charge is later proved false.

  • In many states, jurors in rape trials are specifically instructed that a rape conviction can be based on the accuser's testimony alone, without any physical evidence.

  • Falsely accusing a man of rape carries no punishment.
    A substantial number of rape accusations are false.

  • Falsely accusing a man of sexual harassment carries no punishment.
    A substantial number of sexual harassment accusations are false.

  • Falsely accusing a man of paternity carries no punishment.
    A substantial number of paternity claims are false.

  • A woman without a partner is considered sad and lonely.
    A man without a partner is considered a nerd or is often looked on as humorous.

  • A woman hanging out in bars looking for sex is considered OKAY.
    A man hanging out in bars looking for sex is considered a PIG.

  • A woman groping a man anywhere (work, public etc...) is considered sexually liberated.
    A man groping a woman anywhere is considered a criminal or a jerk.

  • A woman having sex with teen-age boys is "practicing bad romantic judgment" (this came from Nancy Grace).
    A man having sex with teen-age girls is a filthy pervert.

  • A woman admiring any of a man's attributes is considered OKAY.
    A man admiring any of a woman's attributes is considered a filthy beast.

  • A morbidly obese woman is called a BBW (big beautiful woman).
    A morbidly obese man is called FAT.

  • A woman's breast being amputated (due to cancer or some other disease) is considered a tragedy.
    A man's penis being cut off is considered funny - even if the man's partner cut it off (i.e. because of domestic violence - the one scenario where domestic violence is funny).

  • One of the first sexual harassment laws stated: "Sexual harassment is whatever a reasonable woman says it is".
    So - Men are obviously the only ones capable of sexually harassing.
    Women are the only ones capable of being sexually harassed.

  • Topless bars are considered as exploiting and degrading to women.
    The women get paid, the men are the ones paying.
    Whose sexuality is being exploited and degraded?
    That is, who is capitalizing on who?

  • Naked lady magazines are considered as exploiting and degrading to women.
    The women get paid, the men are the ones paying.
    Whose sexuality is being exploited and degraded?
    That is, who is capitalizing on who?

  • A woman in a pornographic film is considered a victim (I was young and needed the money).
    A man in a pornographic film is considered a womanizer.

  • A woman using a "corny pick up line" is considered funny.
    A man using a "corny pick up line" is considered obnoxious or annoying.

  • If a woman hits a man for using a sexually suggestive pick up line, its considered OKAY and often FUNNY.
    Any kind of violence towards a woman is considered unacceptable.

  • If a woman hits a man for using a CORNY pick up line, its considered OKAY and often FUNNY.
    Any kind of violence towards a woman is considered unacceptable.

  • A woman rejecting a man as rudely as possible for any reason (corny pick-up line, sexually suggestive pick-up line, etc...) is considered funny.
    A man rejecting a woman is considered rude and sadistic.

  • A woman cheating on her husband means the husband is a creep.
    A man cheating on his wife means - he is a creep.

  • A woman flaunting her sexuality via clothing et al is considered sexually liberated.
    A man flaunting his sexuality is considered an obnoxious jerk.

  • A man being critical of a woman's figure - "superficial".
    a woman being critical of a man's physique - "has standards".

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