Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Chose not to have Children!

I summon up something a woman said to me back in 2005 or 2006, when I was dating actively.

We met at a lounge in one of the neighborhood casinos. As was somewhat characteristic on dates, this woman started sniffing around my bank accounts. I figured - I am not going to "be" with this individual ever, so why not just tell her.

I told her how much money I had saved by the age of 36 (not a lot, but enough to be comfortable and not resort to scraping by).

She said, "This isn't fair. You chose not to have children, so you have all this extra money in the bank now."
Shut Up.Angry Woman

I was engorged by a mammoth amount of anger.

"I CHOSE not to have children!?"
"No, no, no."
"That is not a choice I get."
"I am a man."
"Having children requires a willing female - that is HER choice, not mine."
"If I get a woman pregnant - she gets to choose whether to have it or not - not me."
"I cannot even adopt - since being a single man, I fit the profile of a pedophile."
"You on the other hand - if you get pregnant, you can have an abortion and CHOOSE NOT to have children".
"If you cannot find a willing partner, you can have yourself artificially inseminated, or adopt."
"Being a woman, the 'children' choice is entirely yours, men do not get the choice to HAVE or NOT HAVE children."
"You made your bed by having children. I have had my bed made for me - the 'CHOICE' to not have children was decided for me by all the bimbo's I introduced myself to as a younger man - and made it quite clear to me that my 'genes' were not worth passing on - and that I was not even worth showing any dignity or respect to for that matter."
"And you bitch that it's not fair - go to hell."

At this point, I got "that look".

Confused and Cute
This is where a woman realizes that she just "blew it" and her mind is now scrambling to do damage control. During this look, they look down at the ground, and their eyes will look back and forth - as they desperately try to fire the neurons in their brain (if you can call what's in most women's heads a brain!).

I stared at her as she had that look on her face. I thought to myself, "Come on, think of something fast - this walking ATM machine is about to leave in disgust." I was eager to hear what she was going to come up with. I sat staring at her waiting - she kept avoiding eye-contact.

I got up and left. It felt good to do so too
Up Yours
C-YA, wouldn't want to B-YA!

This woman's statement (in my opinion), is an excellent indicator of how spoiled rotten women are these days. They are so spoiled; they have men trodden down to such an extent, that most cannot even comprehend the plight of modern western men.

I used to think they were evil because they lacked empathy, but Fidelbogen straightened me out.

I said, "evil is a lack of empathy".

Fidelbogen said, "It's not so much a lack of empathy, as it is having one's head up one's a$$".

I agreed with that.

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