Thursday, August 26, 2010

Building What? New York TV Ad

This is an interesting concept to try and wake up more New Yorkers to the false flag of 9/11. My question is whether the controlled media will actually repeatedly air this ad if can come up enough money to pay for them.

Statement from BuildingWhat ...
Dear Friends,

We are pleased and tremendously excited to share this groundbreaking TV ad with you for the first time. We hope, with your help, to be able to show it to one million New Yorkers one month from now. Please go to to watch the ad and please donate generously. Every $750 we raise is enough for another spot to reach another 10,000 people. Your donation will be fully tax-deductible. 5% of it will go to the WTC Rescuers Foundation. And 5% of it will be matched by another generous donor.

Our strategy for buying spots is guided by two principles. Firstly, showing it to audiences who will respond productively and influence the public discussion, such as young people, academics, journalists and the political class. And secondly, repetition!

We will be sending off the ad two weeks from now. Between now and then we welcome your comments. We're all in this together! {more}

"Building what?" - Judge Edward Lehner upon hearing the words "Building 7" in a NYC courtroom

9/11: WTC Building 7 "Collapse" video compilation

WTC7, about to blow up, CNN

BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building 7 Early-- TWICE

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