Monday, August 30, 2010

LIE: 25% of Women will be Raped While Attending College

This false fact was derived at by a study done by Ms. Magazine. The researcher Mary Koss was hand-picked by a feminist, "Gloria Steinem". Mary Koss has admitted that 73% of the young women she counted as rape victims were not aware that they had been raped.

Let's do the math:

25% of women raped - only 27% legitimately raped

That's 0.25 * 0.27 = 0.0675 or 6.75% legitimately raped.

That is, instead of 25% of women in college having been rape victims, there were only 6.75% that had been rape victims.

Furthermore, Mary Koss has also admitted that 43% of those young women surveyed were continuing to date the man that raped them.

I would say that is another 43% that is baloney, so, 57% of the already 6.75%:

0.57 * 0.0675 = 0.038475 or 3.8475% (lets round it up to 3.85%).

OK, now, instead of 25% of the women in college having been rape victims, only 3.85% have been raped.

Instead of ONE of every FOUR, it is more like ONE of every TWENTY-FIVE. That means that in a crowd of 100 women, only about 4 have been the victim of rape.

Rape is a crime of hate, not passion. It is a very violent act, and can result in the death of the victim. In order to properly handle it as a crime, proper research should be conducted by level headed people.

By allowing fanatics and lunatics pass hysteria and exaggerated statistics, the problem will only get worse.

By placing this type of statistic into young women's minds, they are convincing them that they have a 25% change of being raped - while in college. They are also convincing young women that most men must be rapists. Since so much effort is taken to arrest MEN for raping women, there must be an awful lot of men out there who rape women.

What this does to young men: Most men are not rapists - rape is a hate crime. Men are not typically hateful of women. The truth is, Men are curious about women, and want to get to know them - yes, for sex - it is an awful lot of fun and it is what propagates our species. This will convince young men that most men are rapists, and most women will be victimized by them. They will in fact be overly eager to prove to young women that they are not bad-people - to such an extent of over-doing it, and coming across as being feminine and not masculine.

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