Monday, August 30, 2010

DECEPTION: The Lady Justice Statue

Lady JusticeLady Feminazi

Ever wonder why justice in this country is constantly MISS-represented as a statue of a woman? I don't. In this country, there is a serious misconception about women. That they are all very pure and innocent. Being so pure and innocent - they of course have a much greater sense of justice don't they?


Looking at our country today, and speaking to women, you'll see that women typically have no sense of justice whatsoever. Brain-washed by idiotic talk-shows like Geraldo Rivera, Ricky Lake and Oprah, justice to them is not something to be worked through with logic and evidence. It is something to be worked through with emotions and opinions.

"I am woman - I can do no wrong!"
Since justice is MISS-represented as being a woman, many women have a greater sense of entitlement to who is right and who is wrong. This makes them seriously dysfunctional in relationships - they will callously brush truth and logic aside, and argue their over-emotional outbursts with undue passion. All because they have a sense of entitlement to being more "just" then their male counterparts.

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