Monday, August 30, 2010

LIE: 150,000 women die each year of starvation in America simply because they are trying to be thin and attractive to men.

This is a funny one:

Feminists have claimed that 150,000 women DIE each year because of anorexia.

The actual figures of deaths per year FROM ALL EATING DISORDERS can be obtained from this link:

It states quite clearly that in 2002 there were 159 deaths where an eating disorder was either the PRIMARY cause of death, or a contributing factor of death.
In 2003, 147 deaths.
in 2004, 161 deaths.
in 2005, 134 deaths.
In a 4-year period, that is a total of 601 deaths from ALL EATING DISORDERS in a 4-year period.
You would have to multiply that number by 250 to get the 150,000 that the feminist's claim.

Binge Eating Disorder - overeating - this is the most common eating disorder.
Bulimia Nervosa - cycle of over-eating, induced vomiting, under-eating. 2nd most common
Anorexia Nervosa - under-eating - 3rd most common eating disorder!

Here is where it gets funny:

How did the feminists come up with 150,000 per year?
Here is a quote from

"I called the American Anorexia and Bulimia Association and spoke to Dr. Diane Mickley, its president. 'We were misquoted,' she said. In a 1985 newsletter the association had referred to 150,000 to 200,000 'sufferers' not 'fatalities' of anorexia nervosa."

This means that her research concluded 150,000 to 200,000 CASES of anorexia per year. Her research was misquoted as being 150,000 to 200,000 FATALITIES per year.

It is disgusting how feminist's misquote actual research to install fear and hatred in people.

Women will believe that women are being brainwashed - not to hate men, but rather to cater to them. Indeed, women will think that society forces women to be so "hell bent for leather" to look absolutely perfect that there is actually an epidemic of starvation in a land of plenty.

This causes women to be even less compliant with men - and more antagonizing. Since they believe that so many women are actually starving themselves to death just to appeal to men, they feel that THEY are the ones that are the "disposable sex".

This in turn will also make them less compliant sexually with men - as they now believe that women's health is viewed by society as expendable for a man's sexual appetite. The grim fact is, men are viewed as expendable - and their sexuality - is viewed as repugnant. B.S. like this factoid helps to make male sexuality more repugnant in the eyes of women.

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