Thursday, March 5, 2009

Slumdog Wedding

On Tuesday evening I went to
the wedding reception
or At Home of Shamim 's son.(Above Shamim with her married daughter)
Shamim is a poor Muslim widow who works very hard
doing household jobs like cooking, cleaning and washing in various houses.She works for my Aunt.
She married off 4 daughters and a son and this was her
youngest son 's wedding.
It took place in a far off district on Sunday.
The wedding party travelled there by bus and returned in the wee hours of Monday morning.
Traditionally, after an out of town wedding the groom 's parents host a reception or At Home in which they invite all their local friends and relatives.

The new bride shy and coy all decked up in her wedding finery.
The clothes and jewellery is bought from shops which cater to lower income groups.The poor do their best to adorn themselves.
It is a great social and physiological need too.
This young lady is a graduate we were told.
Her husband is High School pass and works
as a shop assistant in a clothes store.
But Shamina (bride 's name) will be a housewife, taking care of her MIL and Hubby.
This is an area for the men to eat and socialize.
Among the conservative Hindu and Muslim communities there is segregation between men and women.
The hut with the lights belongs to Shamim.
This is not a very bad slum like you saw in Slumdog Millionaire.
The living conditions are impoverished but better.
It lies right behind a spanking modern shopping mall.

Women sitting and chatting.
There is another new bride.
The jewellry the girls are wearing is all purchased
from low priced markets and shops.
Lots of clinking glass bangles are a must.
In another corner of the room babies are fast asleep.
The noise and activity does not bother them as they slumber on a quilt on the mud floor.

It a great matter of pride and social status to have
your reception video graphed like the rich do.
Here is a man doing it.
And at these wedding do 's and parties you have the
videographer coming at you with his camera mounted
on his shoulder like a terrifying rocket launcher
and shining his powerful Hummer -like lights in you eyes
making you semi-blind.
Shamina brought a nice Samsung coloured TV and mini
fridge and other things in her dowry.

This is the common man 's bed or string cot called a charpoy (four legs)
The frame is made with mango wood or bamboo
and woven with string or rope made with hemp or jute.
Behind it is a folding camp bed.

This goat is being raised for a festive occasion or wedding.
Shamim had 2 goats slaughtered for the reception.
They yielded 40 pounds of mutton.
Unfortunately after eating the spicy food
I took ill with fever, vertigo and my arthritis also kicked in.
I am some better today,
but slow.
Shortly I will be visiting your blogs my friends.

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