Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Real Horror Tale

During her Senate confirmation hearing, Elena Kagan practices her death grip on the constitution and the American people.

Hey kids, the 4th of July weekend is coming up and I hear that millions of you will head for the theaters to see the next installment of the 'Twilight Saga.' Not having read the books or seen the first two movies in the series I can only go by what I've heard about them. They appear to be revisionist writings of the folklore tales of vampires where there are 'good' bloodsuckers that interact with the bad. I guess I'm old fashioned in that it's hard to see vampires as good unless you happen to be one of them.

Most of those who will see the movie are oblivious to the real life horror tale of a Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Blood thirsty senators talking and questioning one of their own kind about how to further suck out what's left of  the life of the American public. Going through the motions of being human in the daylight while waiting for darkness to feast on the unaware.

Kagan's confirmation will be just another confirmation that the undead, a very small percentage of the population, have us in their grasp.

We may fight a little while the fangs enter our body but the sweet relief of sleep is soon welcome.

Crosses and prayers have no effect on the living dead. Maybe a stake through the heart is the best defense but we seem to have misplaced where we put those.

Enjoy the show. You never know when it will be your last.

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