Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Women’s Studies Analysis – Part I

As promised, this is a long post – and probably a very boring one as well…

The book is called, “Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions” fourth edition, 2009.

Excerpt from Page 11:

“First, feminism concerns equality and justice for all women, and it seeks to eliminate systems of inequality and injustice in all aspects of women’s lives. Because feminism is politics of equality, it anticipates a future that guarantees human dignity and equality for all people, women and men.”

Anybody with an I.Q. of 50 can see many problems with that text. With my small brain, I offer a few:

  1. Does feminism want to exercise justice on women who falsely accuse men of rape?

  2. Does feminism want to persecute to the full extent of the law, female pedophiles (we have all seen the instances on these skyrocket).

  3. How many feminists argue how unfair or unequal it is that women do not have to register for the draft?

  4. How many feminists complain that V.A.W.A. is a sexist law – biased in favor of women?

  5. How many feminists complain that the domestic violence industry is biased against men – and fails to recognize women batterers?

  6. How many feminists argue that the dignity of the family has been destroyed by the modern day courts – tainted against men?

  7. How many feminists applaud or support women who murder, maul, or participate in genital mutilation when it is aimed at “alleged” abusive husbands? Or just men in general?
Feminism and Equality – Don’t make me laugh.
Feminism and Justice – NOPE!
Feminism eliminating systems of injustice –feminism creates systems of injustice, like V.A.W.A., rape shield laws etc…
Feminism guaranteeing human dignity – Tell that to John Wayne Bobbitt, Tiger Woods, the Duke Lacrosse trio – this list can go on forever.

Now, for some false information the book presents:

Excerpt from Page 12:

Thank a feminist if you agree that…
  1. Women should have the right to vote.

  2. Women should have access to contraceptives.

  3. Women should have the right to work outside the home.

  4. Women should receive equal pay for equal work.

  5. Women should have the right to refuse sex, even with their husbands.

  6. Women should be able to receive a higher education.

  7. Women should have access to safe, legal abortion.

  8. Women should be able to participate in sports.

  9. Women should be able to hold political office.

  10. Women should be able to choose any career that interests them.

  11. Women should be free from sexual harassment in the workplace.

  12. Women should be able to enter into legal and financial transactions.

  13. Women should be able to study issues about women’s lives and experiences.
One hundred years ago, none of these statements was possible for women in the United States. Only through the hard work and dedication of women in each decade of the twentieth century did these rights become available to women.

Again, much falseness going on here:
  1. Men gave women the right to vote, not feminists.

  2. I would wager a guess that more men than women would want women to have access to contraceptives – feminist men or not.

  3. Women have always worked outside the home.

  4. Let me get this straight – the wage gap IS a myth? The blurb at the end implies that it has been achieved…

  5. Women have always had the right to refuse sex – even to their husbands – there has NEVER been any law in the U.S. that punished a women for not having sex with her husband or any other man for that matter.

  6. There were female doctors in the late 1800’s – this would require a higher education – obviously, this statement is false.

  7. Abortion – this one might actually be true.

  8. Wrong - the first female athlete participated in the olympics in 1900 - 109 years before this book was written. And that is the olympics - who knows what sports women played in days past - crochet maybe? Golf?

  9. Yes – they can hold political office.

  10. Women have always chosen careers that they are interested in.

  11. Sexual harassment was never legal. Feminism merely over-exaggerated the issue, and helped pass anti-male legislation.

  12. Women have always been able to enter into legal and financial transactions. In older days, a woman’s husband was actually responsible for any debts she acquired.

  13. There have always been books available to the public that chronicle the lives of women. There were never laws against reading such books.
The blurb at the end is also misleading. Only two (maybe three) of those things can actually be attributed to feminism, and they are trivial at best. And, if its true that in days past, men had all the power (which it isn’t), then men would have had to be responsible for those changes, not women or feminists. The whole text is paradoxical at best.

So, how boring is this post anyway?

Maybe I should toss these books in the trash where they belong, and stick with interesting writing – sharing my thoughts on various issues?

The books were free (me and my secrets), so I won’t be out any money :)

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