Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Ultimate Gulf Conspiracy?

Here's some more thoughts on the Gulf disaster to add to the mix. Something to refer to as time unfolds.

It's sort of science meets technology meets psychopaths.

The result, if there may be a bit of truth in this info, is a false flag social engineering event that if things go according to plan will only end when the objectives are met.

What could be the ultimate objectives?

What's the benefit of this scam? MONEY, and population control.

Also, explained to me, is the large amount of useless eaters, pond scum, or undesirables living along the gulf coast. These would be the Americans living off of the government. I will not beat around the bush with pleasantries, or politically correct statements here. This coastal area from Texas to Florida has the highest, or most dense population of targets of elimination by the US Govt., and corporations. These are the populations living on welfare(in this area dominated by African Americans), and the older population living on Social Security(mainly Florida). These people are going to start dropping like flies over the next few years, and greatly reduce the burden to government coffers.

In this respect, this is a doomsday event, but it's not the end of the food chain, death of the oceans, or as some have warned an extinction level event. It's only bad for the targeted populations.

To cover the money aspects of this fraudulent event, are somewhat self evident. Primarily, as President Obama (note he's not very worried, think about it) has just pointed out, they are using this false flag to move forward with the Carbon Tax, followed by Cap and Trade. Another aspect of profit is the clean up of this disaster; those boats aren't running around for free in the Gulf. From there, is the very real aspect of banks calling their notes on the remaining mortgaged properties along the Gulf, and peninsula of Florida. Remember Katrina? They never gave the land back, but sold it to casinos, and other businesses. Almost all beach front property will end up in the hands of the banks, and government. They'll play this disaster off for a few years, and explain the mysterious disappearance of oil on kindness from mother nature.
much more:  Asphalt Volcano & BP, Illusion of a False Spill via
h/t to presence via a comment at Smoking Mirrors

Of course, that's only one of many theories. The information and disinformation and conspiracies are abundant. Here's another one to try on for size. It'll take a little while to see if it fits.

Green-lighting the risky Macondo drilling operation from the outset
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Pentagon and Interior and Energy Departments told the Obama Administration that the newly-discovered estimated 3-4 billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico would cover America's oil needs for up to eight months if there was a military attack on Iran that resulted in the bottling up of the Strait of Hormuz to oil tanker traffic, resulting in a cut-off of oil to the United States from the Persian Gulf. {more}

The money and labor scams are in full swing .....
BP Labor Camps

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