Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Afghan Jukebox Replays the Same Song Over and Over

It was only a month ago that a local kid, a Marine 21 years old, died in Afghanistan with an ingredient of the story being how he was affected by 9/11 and always wanted to be a soldier and avenge a wrong.

A child falling for lies can be excused, the system stacks the deck by pushing the lies endlessly, but what of those around them who blindly follow the deceptions and in essence issues a death sentence for their loved ones by not stopping them from joining the military and being used as a expendable pawn.

Once again, like a broken jukebox that takes your money but only plays the same song repeatedly ...
Christiana TN Marine Pfc. Vincent E. Gammone, III, was killed Saturday in Afghanistan after a prisoner being transported by Marines attempted to escape a convoy, shooting and killing Gammone and at least one other Marine in the process.

Gammone would have celebrated his 20th birthday Tuesday, according to his fiancee, Jessica West.

"We were told that Vincent was one of the first to go to the aid of another Marine who had been wounded by the escaped prisoner, who was able to arm himself during his attempted escape,"

A New Yorker by birth, Gammone moved to Tennessee with his family when he was 2 years old, according to West.
When terrorist cells hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 — West remembered Gammone became infuriated and his passion to join the military became stronger. {more}
The infuriated passion of an 11 year old that he could never overcome. One who never got to legally walk into one of the fine local establishments and just have a beer. Or know the ups and downs of marriage, parenthood and a million other things he could have experienced had only those around him took him aside and said convincingly and forcefully if necessary, "It's all a lie."

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