Thursday, August 12, 2010

They're scared, the tactics are not working

The ADL has released a new 'report.' It's a desperate attempt to portray all who have caught on to to the scams and crimes of the oligarchy as anti-government scammers and criminals. They call them sovereign citizens or ... "The Lawless Ones."

Our favorite Israeli agent and jewish racist supremacist, Mr. Abe Foxman, explains ...
"There has been a resurgence of violence and anti-government activity from the sovereign citizen movement in recent months, ranging from police shootings to property seizures,"

"Make no mistake, despite the movement's wide dispersal and loose affiliation, there exists a single-minded dedication to all things anti-government that unites these dangerous extremists."
"Adherents don't believe they need to follow any laws or regulations – they view government itself as the ultimate enemy. Along with preying on individuals vulnerable in these economic times, sovereign citizens pose a potential threat to every public official and police officer. This is a dangerous movement and more people need to be aware of it."
And this anti-criminal government movement is not just for whites anymore ...
Though the origins of the movement may be traced in part back to white supremacists, the sovereign citizen movement today is growing among Asians, Hispanics and especially African-Americans, some of whom have developed their own offshoot known as the "Moorish" movement. {more}
A while back it was 'domestic terrorists' but that didn't work very well.  Change the terminology and mix it with new unproven villains and a merry-go-round of lies and try the term 'sovereign citizens.' That won't work either.

Mr. Morphed could well be one of those 'Dishonest Abe' doesn't like expressing their first amendment rights and anti-criminal government views.

If you haven't already, see Visible's "How They do it and The Solution to their Evil Intent."

And while you're at it take a look at aangirfan's "The Truth About Israel."

Ponder any number of your own favorite writers and truth seekers and pick out the bits and pieces of truth that are there and pass it around in your daily lives. If it's disinformation, call it as you see it.

You know as well as I do, a great number of people have caught on and more are on the way. Once a sheep doesn't mean always.  This is the psychopaths who think they control us worst nightmare. It makes them run scared.

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