Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ayam Kampus Spread among the student

 ayam kampus , ayam kampus jakarta , ayam kampus yogyakarta , ABG bispakFenomena Ayam kampus is often heard among the students and various faculty. Especially a lot of sounds in perkampusan areas, such as for example: chicken chicken college campuses in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. 2 areas are indeed often we get the term for chicken campus cewek bisa dipake who still holds the status of coed college or disebuah campus (faculty)

Indonesia's growing, but growing too negative things, especially the rampant moral depravity. Even more alarming is now among teenagers once too manyABGABG bisa pakewhich is easily obtained in Indonesia. Is this one proof of moral depravity of the Indonesian nation, to the extent that among teenagers /ABG pun sudah berani menjual diri to achieve the stolen money from its customers?

ONCE AGAIN, this is the responsibility of parents and ourselves to choose the way to live our own. Let us more and hold ourselves to the Lord that we be free from the moral depravity of the Indonesian nation. Remember you know ... have many natural disasters happening everywhere, the world dah getting old ....

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