Monday, October 25, 2010

Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?


This is a shaming tactic aimed at men. It basically fools men into believing that they are somehow "stealing" something if they are having sexual relations with a woman that they have not signed half of their assets over to via marriage.

Nothing is being "stolen". This is simply women practicing the age-old tactic of prostituting themselves, with the government acting as their pimp.

The real act of "stealing" is when the true nature of a woman is revealed during divorce proceedings. Such women become irrationally spiteful, petty and vindictive. They casually and callously appropriate money from the husbands that they in no way "earned". Taking money from somebody that you did not "earn" is stealing.

modern marriage
If such women believe that they did "earn" such money - it only reinforces the fact that they are nothing shy of a hooker; an overpriced one at that.

The government knows this full and well. The government and corporations know that women are the main spending force in this country. By ensuring that women get half a man's assets during a divorce, they ensure that said women will spend such money on things like fifty pairs of shoes, and perhaps some cute new purse that they will never use. In other words - they will be frivolous with it. Frivolous spending stimulates the economy.

Indeed, marriage is an economic institution, nothing more, nothing less. It is no mistake or anomaly that marriage is thought of this way. It is, was, and always will be designed to steal money from men PERIOD. It is the government and corporations viewing women, and women viewing themselves as prostitutes.

The more correct phrase for men should be:

Why sign half of your assets over to a prostitute, even for sex?

That statement is more accurate, more direct, and not at all shaming.

Most of all - IT IS 100% the TRUTH!

feminist leaderThe only accuracy in the statement is comparing women to cows. It is a fact that many women in this country have severe weight problems and can effectively be compared to ugly, disgusting, overweight beasts.

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