Monday, June 1, 2009

These made my day

Inspiration from the old
I wish this for every grandpa and grandma

Lessons from the young
Make someone smile - the reward can surprise you

Wonders from the extraordinary

The last video is symbolic of the emotional calisthenics and acrobatics I was doing due to mother 's undulating health issues. But unlike this deft young man I was landing on rough rocky places and fracturing and bruising myself.

The doctor 's visit healed me too in a way. Amazingly mother does not have any pain or discomfort.She is just very weak.
Dear friends thank you for prayers, emotional support and advice.
God was testing our faith and all the while I kept saying to myself He will not test us beyond our ability to bear our trials.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" 1 Pet 5;7

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