Monday, October 11, 2010

Listening to Tom Leykis

I had to get some more information on Tom Leykis before I wrote this up.

He has some good things to say - some audio clips from his radio show can be found on YouTube HERE

Listen to them - they are worth it.

Best point he makes:

Marriage (a legal contract) is considered romantic.
A Prenuptial Agreement (another legal contract) is NOT romantic.

Now why on earth is that?

Anyway, I am trying to find out how to contact Tom Leykis - because I have a few questions for him:

1. From my observations - it seems like he has more female listeners than male listeners. I am NOT referring to his callers - I am referring to people I have been talking to.

Why is that? Are the women hoping to learn more - to be better manipulators?
Or are there a lot of women out there simply over-eager to ARGUE with any man that they come across? Both???

2. Whether he has more female listeners or not... What effect does he think he'll have on the women listening - especially the women who "agree" with him?

Case in point: It seems to me that you can tell a woman something very positive and constructive, and said woman will twist it and pervert it into something extremely negative...

I cannot find the exact reference - but one of my friends quoted Tom Leykis as saying: "Do not confuse a weak man as being a good man".

This quote has been backed up by two women I have talked to.

The problem I have: Both of those women now stay away from men who come across as being "good" because they simply consider the men to be "weak" and not "good".

As I said in a previous post - most women do NOT have brains. They have these weird blender things between their ears. Anything that enters their ears is twisted and skewed to mean something negative...

So, what effect does Tom Leykis think he'll have on his female audience?

Like anybody else, finding information on how to contact Mr. Leykis is proving to be difficult.

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