Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Healing Through Consciousness is a program that originates from the headquarters of the most powerful psychological science in the world today – the ground-breaking work emerging from the Brazilian school of Analytical Trilogy, founded by Dr. Norberto Keppe.

We could consider that, before Norberto Keppe, the study of the human psyche had come to a dead-end. After that promising start by Freud and the early Germans, psychology got distracted by a number of more superficial treatments like behaviorism and the various humanistic talk therapies so popular in the U.S. today. Or they got lost in the Siberia of psychotropic drugs that is modern psychiatry. Most of the world lives under the illusion that the human psyche, like the human genome, is still being mapped. This is not true. Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy has completed the study of the human psyche. And this really lifts Keppe’s work above any of the current thinking in psychology, sociology, philosophy, physics and medicine – not to mention economics, education, the arts, and science. This means we can finally understand what’s really going on with human beings and our society.

* What’s behind the economic collapse?

* Why are rates of depression and anxiety rising dramatically?
* Where is the technology that isn’t so destructive to the environment?
* How do we reach the root causes of all of these problems and more?
All of these questions have answers in the vast and expansive work of Norberto Keppe.
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