Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pathology of Power (E3 April 2, 2009)

We discuss the pathology of power and how this sickness is shaping our society.

What passes for psychological analysis in our world today is most often not psychological at all. We see a lot of biological treatment of difficulties - "Oh, you're feeling a little depressed? The chemicals in your brain must be out of whack" or - "You've got a weight problem? This stomach reduction surgery will fix you right up." Or the analysis reverts to social issues - you were traumatized by your music teacher when you were 8, you were humiliated for wetting the bed. All of this is no news for you if you've been at all tuned in to the normal psychological interpretations that circulate to explain the myriad problems we face in our stressful modern world. Society tends to see the human being as victimized by something outside of his responsibility.

Norberto Keppe's work of Analytical Trilogy is nothing like that. In fact, we could say that he's light years ahead in his psychological view because his therapy is truly psychological. Analytical Trilogy focusses the source of our problems right back inside us. Smack dab back to the individual's attitudes and philosophy of life. To how we see the world - not because of our social conditioning only, but because of our often unconscious decisions about how life is and how things work.

But Keppe also acknowledges that these individual psychological issues are also reflected out into our society at large, because it is still individuals that inhabit the positions of influence that lead to our current societal reality. Here's how Keppe himself describes the situation, taken from his marvelous book, Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power (available at http://www.trilogia.ws/books/)

It is truly a pity to see what is happening to mankind today, entrapped as it is in a totally inverted social structure, yet capable of freeing itself from this system immediately and achieving happiness. I am putting all of my efforts into making this inversion clear. Even so, each of you who read this book will first need to use your will to understand it fully and then fight to transform society. (Editor's note: there is a great discussion of the human will here: http://somebodyelseshead.wordpress.com/2 009/02/09/liberating-ourselves-from-our- free-will/. Indeed, our happiness depends on the attitude we take to free ourselves from this tremendous deception into which we have been plunged. If each one of us begins to conscientize this situation, that is, if we analyze it, understand it, and accept full consciousness of it, then in a very short time we will be living in a totally different environment, that real paradise foreseen by many highly spiritualized people.

I would say that all of our present-day problems can be reduced to one: the way in which social and economic power is being used. Formerly, it was a question of the power of the bourgeoisie, the feudal lords or the clergy (in the Middle Ages). Indeed, every person who gains unlimited power feeds his most serious pathological fantasy to such a point that he becomes extremely dangerous to himself and especially to others.

This is provocative and scientific stuff, and we'll explore that in more depth in coming programs. Stay tuned.

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