Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Silver

May 5, 2009

This day comes once after 25 years.Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary

In those days there was no Internet
so we had the traditional ceremony

A Pastor who is now a Bishop remarked that this
ceremony was an outstanding example
of a believer 's wedding
and he encouraged others
to follow its example.

The wedding cake is

huge as there are lots of guests.

I must add that the cake is not as expensive as it is

in the West. And one can choose

according to their

spending power.Traditionally the groom pays for it and also

gifts the bride her reception sari.

The expenses are shared between the families of the bride and groom

and close relatives also help.

Parents save for their daughter 's wedding and

sometimes take out loans.

The bride wears white for the

church ceremony and red or

her preferred color for the

reception and dinner.

I read an article about marriage which I

want to share with you.

"Marriage comes with a built in abhorrence

of self centeredness.In the dream world of mankind 's

complacent separateness, amidst all our pleasant little fantasies

of omnipotence and blamelessness and self-sufficiency,marriage explodes like a bomb.

It runs an aggravating interference pattern,

an unrelenting guerrilla warfare against selfishness.

It attacks people 's vanity and lonely pride

in a way that a few other things can,

tirelessly exposing the necessity

of giving and sharing,

the absurdity of blame.


chastening, purifying, it touches us

where we hurt most, in the place of

our lovelessness.

Dragging us into lifelong encounters

which at times may be full of boredom,

tension,unpleasantness or grief,

marriage challenges us to abandon

everything for the sake of love."

(Mike Mason - The Mystery of Marriage-

As Iron Sharpens Iron)

The single life also confronts our egos

but without the struggles a mate

adds to it.

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