Monday, May 25, 2009

Women on the Couch

The individual who begins something worthwhile in life, who makes up his or her mind to do something really good, begins to experience a vast range of possibilities for accomplishment. The more we do, the more we see there is to be done. And to really maximize our potential for achievement, we must have as a foundation a certain amount of understanding of ourselves, especially understanding of our past.

And this means usually seeing how much we could have done, but didn't. Today on Healing Through Consciousness, we'll take a look at one woman's struggles to understand herself through her relationship with her family. And by extension, we'll reach out to offer something for all women particularly, and all men who love them.

Analytical Trilogy , the vast and comprehensive science we base our program on, is like that. Particular, individual analysis that can serve for all of us. Which is why we open our lines every week to take your calls. To help you first of all, of course, but also to help many others who may be dealing with similar issues. You can Skype in - healingthroughconsciousness our Skype name - or send in questions or problems you'd like us to address to our email This is a place you can call and really get help.

Who of us in our quiet moments hasn't taken some time to reflect on ourselves and our place in the universe? What are we doing, and why? Or maybe what aren't we doing that we should, and why not? Aren't these important questions?

My friends Susan Berkley and Gilbert Gambucci and I have been conducting a teleclass series recently and discussing these things. And noting that all of us have this feeling that we're not living up to what we feel inside. 12 cylinder engines firing on 3 or 4 cylinders is how we might put it.

A Brazilian friend of mine and I were discussing movies yesterday, and he was commenting that he was noticing a weakness in American films these days. That they always put the reasons for problematic behavior in the parents or some sort of familial or societal neglect or abuse.

And this follows the prevailing psychological orientation in America today. But Trilogy goes much deeper to look at the personal philosophy of life and attitudes that drive our experience. This makes a Trilogical analysis session much more profound and personal than we are used to. So conditions we suffer from or fears that affect our decisions are looked at from the point of view of being OUR problem, not a legacy we got from the traumas of the past.

This is good news that doesn't always feel like good news. But in the end it is the only thing that can help us move forward. I remember Dr. Keppe himself describing that in one of his recent books in this way: "If you don't see your involvement in this traumatic situation from the past," he was advising, "You will never be able to move forward in life."

This work we are doing on Healing Through Consciousness and in my other podcast, Thinking with Somebody Else's Head and here in Brazil generally, all has this purpose: to lead the human being to the goodness for which he was created by helping him become conscious of the evil he chooses. And evil can be as simple as bad choices - which do not, as it turns out, happen without a reason, often deeply hidden inside us.

I always invite you to find out more at our Trilogy portal. Lots of great stuff to explore there. And of course, I'm always reachable by email

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We address this deep stuff every week on our program.

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