Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Take Five

Summer fruit basket These are lichis (lychees)
Their juicy white flesh is very sweet.
And the skin is prickly.
They grow well in the foothills of the Himalayas.

It is a native fruit of China.
The British brought the lichi to India.
Lichi bottled juice is very refreshing.
It makes a good dessert with ice cream or fresh cream.
You can also have it as a cake or trifle topping.

These mangoes are the langra variety.
East U.P. (my state)is famous for them
and they are exported all over the world from here.
They have a distinct flavor which we enjoy.
There are more than 400 different varieties of mangoes in India.
Most of them are speciality and not easily available.
Fruits, like vegetables have become very
But we can 't resist
a treat.

Mummy and Abner having a snack
while watching TV.

They are eating lai-channa.
The common man 's snack.
It consists of puffed rice mixed with
roasted peas, gram or peanuts,
garnished with chopped up onions, tomatoes
fresh coriander, salt and green chillies.
It is a very healthy snack.
You can buy it from a roadside stall
or rustle it up to your
own liking at home.
Poor people have it as a meal at times
as its very cheap.
tagged me for
5 un-important things about myself

Yesterday there was a welcome rainstorm in the afternoon
and the weather became pleasant.
So we went to visit a shut-in aunt.
On the way back Abner wanted to drive the
cycle rickshaw.
But his 7 year old legs
couldn 't take him anywhere.
The monsoons have hit the eastern part of India.
Cyclone Aila has caused
extensive damage to
Bengal and Orissa and Bangladesh.

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