Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Blessings - For Mothers

Graduating with a Master 's degree
Sari billowing in the wind

On the extreme left, busy knitting while attending a function in which her Principal distributes gifts to
under-privileged girls

Playing basketball with her students as a young HS teacher.
(on the extreme right)
In those days women wore saris at sports -
can 't imagine how they managed it.

With Papa

In front of the pomegranate tree.
A bug got this tree and we had to cut it down.

With Mama as a teen
This was taken a few years ago.
Showing off our giant dahlias.
Children are a great comfort in your old age - and they help you reach it faster, too. ~Lionel Kauffman
Hope my Mom is not saying this about me.LOL
Sonia, hubby and son Abner arrived yesterday.
Its great to have them visit. Sonia 's hubby will
leave on Tues , they will stay on.
On Wednesday May 13th we will admit Mom in hospital
for her laproscopy.
Since morning she 's been having dizzy spells. I have given her medication. She is better but has to be helped while walking.
She got phone calls from my sisters.
Sonia made a nice mutton pilaf and in the evening
she is frying fish,
my Mom 's favorites.
Sonia 's husband Avinash helped clean the church
this morning before service.
I give him due credit for it as he is physically
challenged. Surgery for a brain tumor caused a stroke
which paralyzed his left side.
He has recovered quite a bit but his left
hand and leg are impaired.
He goes for physio therapy daily.
He works in the Lucknow University
as a researcher .
Even with limited mobility he attends his
church faithfully.
Their church is located very far away and it takes ages to get there taking public transport (he can 't drive)
But they rarely miss.
A theology student was the guest speaker this morning.
Martin did not go home for his summer vacation.
He stayed back to minister in the
church nurturing team.
They visit groups in the rural areas.
Happy Mother 's Day .

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