Thursday, July 22, 2010

When I was a Teen-Ager...

...I had problems with the "other" sex. When approaching them (as the vast majority of young men are so tempted to do) - or even minding my own business, I had to endure a salvo of bitchiness from the largest part of them.

Something that made me consider that "it wasn't the fish but the water" (nothing wrong with me - but with them) was the time my Mom got into a car accident.

Allow me to clarify something: I know that many feminists, entitlement princesses, men, and even MRA's use the shaming tactic, "You obviously have mother issues".

I do not. I love my mother. I actually spent many hours making an oil-painting for her birthday in 2007. My mother has always taken the time to establish a sense of artistic creativity in me, so I knew that an oil-painting from me would make her very happy. I take her to lunch every mother's day.

That out of the way, allow me to tell you about the auto mishap she was in: Fender-Bender
Two teen-age girls crashed into my mom's car (my mom was 51, I was 17). They were wholly at fault. They were pulling out of a parking lot and crashed into the passenger side of my mom's car. I was not in the car with my mom at the time, my brother was. They both said that they saw the girls talking to each other - and not watching where they were going.

Just after the accident, the two girls started cussing and swearing every four, five, six and seven letter word at my mom: c*nt, b*tch, a**hole, old f*ck etc... They made several verbal threats towards my mom. Before the police showed up, they threatened to "crash into her car again". When the police showed up, they had to restrain one of the girls and threaten to arrest her if she persisted in her improper outbursts.

When she got home, my mom told me how sickened she was with the girl's conduct and vocabulary. My mom told me that the mishap was a minor fender-bender at worst, and not worth getting disturbed over. Nobody was wounded, and damage to the girls' car was superficial. My mom's car needed some work on the passenger door to get it to open again.

I asked my mom if the girls were driving a squeaky clean, shiny car - like maybe their parent's car, or something they took disproportionate pride in. My mom told me they drove an old rust-bucket clunker style car - a hit from a sledge hammer would have been an enhancement.

All I can say is this:

If I had crashed into an older woman's car (or ANYBODY's car for that matter) when I was a teenager (and to this day) - I would have straight away been concerned about their well-being. I would have run to the car and asked them if they were all right - and apologized for my blunder.

The fact that these two girls crashed into somebody else's car (they were at fault - there was no disputing this), and started swearing at and threatening them - shows an assured "evil" that has contaminated the minds of a good number women these days. Nothing is their fault - period.

No accountability or responsibility, and an absolute lack of empathy.

Was this an isolated incident - yes.

Was their attitude common in girls at the time - yes (at least from my observations).

I remember at one point saying to my mom:

Well, you keep asking me why I haven't brought any young ladies home... I get attitudes like that all the time - sometimes for doing nothing at all.

Next time, I'll tell you about an incident that happened at a GodFather's Pizza parking lot. Each time I tell it, it makes people laugh... A total entitlement psycho-b*tch princess gets screwed over by a slew of witnesses against her!

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