Monday, July 6, 2009

True Emotional Reality

You can't keep 'em locked up inside, we're schooled. Repress them and you'll pay the consequences later, runs most psychological counsel. "The problem was, he kept it all bottled up inside," we say as an explanation of how a school shooter could have exploded in such fury.

Other wisdom says we have to regulate and suppress the painful ones. Or simply exchange the traumatic emotions for their opposites.

Whew ... it's a little confusing.

Today on Healing Through Consciousness, the True Emotional Reality.

I remember a conversation many years ago with a dear friend - a talented actress and performer out in Vancouver. We were talking about the attraction we both felt to emotionally intense situations. She and I meant that as related to relationships, and that belief had led both of us to explore rather provocative and adventurous relationship experiences. And I'm sure that's sufficient to give you the picture and maintain some confidence about us. Anything more would surely fall under the "too much information" category anyway.

In our conversation, I remember I was sort of looking for a justification, something I could use as an excuse to make what we were doing okay. And I found it in a somewhat short comment she made mid-way through our dinner discussion. "But if you're feeling like doing it," she said, "How can it be wrong?"

That landed - and I have to confess I followed that like a mantra for a number of years before coming to Brazil and working and studying at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, Dr. Norberto Keppe's psychoanalytical science institute. Chances are my friend doesn't remember that in any significant way. But I do. And I also remember how differently I began to see that philosophy and the lifestyle I adopted because of it once I started to understand more about Analytical Trilogy and the psychological life.

There are consequences to following our often confusing emotions, it turns out. Consequences because of the metaphysical reality that Keppe has defined clearly for us. Which is this: the essence of ourselves, the essence of all life, is good, true and beautiful. This essence is a provided thing. It's in us and all living beings from the very beginning of our lives. We are not becomings, then, creatures on the way to begin something. We are complete entities from the get-go.

Now, what's all this have to do with emotions, our subject today. Well, our negative emotions (defined as those that are not linked to our good, beautiful and good essence) are not essential in us - meaning they don't exist in and of themselves. They are brought into existence by us when we make choices or do or feel things against our essential nature.

Our feelings, then, need to be understood because if they are pulling us in any other direction than the good, beautiful and true life we should be living, they're going to cause us a problem or three.

This is deep stuff that cuts to our philosophical and spiritual perspective of life - and it's also why Trilogical analysis is so profound and, frankly, miles ahead of the dominant psychological schools in the world today. As you'll hear very quickly in any of our Healing Through Consciousness programs. Every week, I pull Dr. Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco from her very busy schedule and sit her down to respond to listener emails and phone calls.

You can participate, too, and receive the benefits as well as helping many others in a sort of "donate your psychopathology for science" kind of way. You can reach me by email to set that up:

Today, Diana joins us to explore the true emotional reality.

Click here to listen to this episode:

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